Welcome to the Apache CXF Distributed OSGi DSW Reference Implementation ======================================================================= The dOSGi subproject of Apache CXF provides the Reference Implementation of the Remote Services Specification version 1.0, Chapter 13 in the OSGi Compendium Specification, and OSGi Remote Service Admin Specification version 1.0, Chapter 122 in the OSGi Enterprise Specification[1]. This release is provided for your convenience in three different distribution formats: 1. Multi-bundle distro: cxf-dosgi-ri-multibundle-distribution-1.3.{tar.gaz|zip} Contains the dOSGi implementation and all 3rd party dependencies as separate bundles within an archive. The current distribution is an instance of this type. 2. Single-bundle distro: cxf-dosgi-ri-singlebundle-distribution-1.3.jar Contains the dOSGi implementation and all 3rd party dependencies wrapped in a single OSGi bundle so as to allow direct installation in your favourite OSGi container in one fell swoop. 3. Source distro: cxf-dosgi-ri-source-distribution-1.3.{tar.gz|zip} Contains the entire source tree for dOSGi. The current distribution is an instance of this type. It may be built by running "mvn install" from the top level directory. Ensure you have maven installed, version 2.0.9 or higher is recommended. Also a JDK of version 1.5.0_13 or higher is required. The best starting point for using dOSGi is the Getting Started Guide[2]. Also note the very detailed walk-through of the greeter demo[3]. If you need more help, or want to provide any feedback, please feel free to drop us a note on the CXF dev or users list[4]. If you trip over any problems with dOSGi, don't hesitate to submit an issue to the CXF Distributed OSGI JIRA[5]. Thanks for using dOSGi! Regards, The CXF dOSGi team. [1] see chapter 122 http://www.osgi.org/Download/Release4V42 [2] http://cxf.apache.org/distributed-osgi.html#DistributedOSGi-GettingStarted [3] http://cxf.apache.org/distributed-osgi-greeter-demo-walkthrough.htm [4] http://cxf.apache.org/mailing-lists.html [5] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/DOSGI