Basic Setup for Building and Running the Demos ============================================== As described in the installation notes, extract the Apache CXF binary distribution archive into an installation directory under the root drive. This creates the apache-cxf-x.x.x folder, which includes all of the product subdirectories. To build and run the demos, you must install the J2SE Development Kit (JDK) 5.0 or later. Most of the samples are built using Apache Maven, version 2.2.x or later. You can build the Mavenized samples all at once by running "mvn clean install" from the samples root folder or by running the same command within individual sample folders. For running each sample, follow the READMEs located in each sample's folder. A few legacy samples as well as the "antbuild" sample (which shows how to manage a project using Ant as the buildtool) are built using Apache Ant, version 1.6 or later. The below instructions are only for building with Apache Ant: To build and run the demos provided in the Apache CXF binary distribution using either ant or wsdl2java, javac and java, you need to set the environment so that the file cxf-manifest.jar is on the CLASSPATH and to insure that the JDK, ant and CXF_HOME/bin directories are on the PATH. For the Ant-based demos, source code files for the client and server mainlines and the Service Endpoint Interface class are included in the src directory. The build process will write generated code into a new directory, build/src, and then place compiled code into the directory build/classes. You may find it convenient to use a script to set the required environment variables. For UNIX: CXF_HOME=/ JAVA_HOME=/ ANT_HOME=//apache-ant-1.6.5 export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$ANT_HOME/bin:$CXF_HOME/bin:$PATH export CLASSPATH=.:$CXF_HOME/lib/cxf-manifest.jar:./build/classes For Windows: set CXF_HOME=C:\ set JAVA_HOME=C:\ set ANT_HOME=C:\\apache-ant-1.6.5 set PATH=%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%ANT_HOME%\bin;%CXF_HOME%\bin;%PATH% set CLASSPATH=.;%CXF_HOME%\lib\cxf-manifest.jar;.\build\classes Save a copy of this script in CXF_HOME/samples. Run the script prior to building and running the demos. Building the Demos in a Servlet Container Using Apache Maven ===================================================================== "mvn clean install" will generate a WAR file for the servlet-based examples. Either the WAR can be manually copied to your servlet container's war deployment directory (webapps by default with Tomcat) or the Tomcat Maven Plugin ( can be used to auto-install the WAR onto Tomcat. Building the Demos that run in a Servlet Container (Apache Ant only) ===================================================================== Since Apache CXF uses JDK/JRE 5.0 or later, you must use a servlet container that is compatible with this JDK/JRE. A suitable servlet container is Tomcat 5.5 or above. Be certain to start the servlet container under an environment in which the JAVA_HOME environment variable points to the JDK/JRE installation and the JAVA_HOME bin directory is included in the system PATH. Preparing deploy to APACHE TOMCAT * set CATALINA_HOME environment to your TOMCAT home directory Build the WAR: Now we have two flavors WAR, one is Full WAR that included all the jars in the $WAR/WEB-INF/lib folder, the other is minimum WAR, which did not include any jars in the WAR. 1)run "ant war" to build a Full WAR. 2)run "ant war -Dwithout.libs=true" to build a minimum WAR. Deploy the application (Full WAR) into APACHE TOMCAT with the command: ant deploy-tomcat Undeploy the application from the APACHE TOMCAT with the command: ant undeploy-tomcat