Aegis Demo ==================== This demo sets up a server with JAX-WS and JAXB, and a client with Aegis. It is very unlikely that you will want to intentionally build a system with this arrangement. However, this sample demonstrates using Aegis on the client with someone else's service. In a real application, the client would have a completely separate implementation of a SEI for use with Aegis. Since CXF does not have a 'wsdl2java' tool for Aegis, this is a manual process. If you do have access to the SEI source code for the server, you merely need to add .aegis.xml files to specify the information otherwise present in the @nnotations. Note that the client needs both the WSDL and the .aegis.xml file to achieve coherence. Building and running the demo using Maven ----------------------------------------- From the base directory of this sample (i.e., where this README file is located), the pom.xml file is used to build and run the demo. Using either UNIX or Windows: mvn install (builds the demo) mvn -Pserver (from one command line window) mvn -Pclient (from a second command line window) To remove the code generated from the WSDL file and the .class files, run "mvn clean".