Apache CXF 2.4.10 Release Notes 1. Overview The 2.4.x versions of Apache CXF are significant new versions of CXF that provides several new features and enhancements. New features include: * Log Browser Console - see the logbrowser sample for an example * Transformation feature provides for a fast and effective way to transform inbound and/or outbound XML messages, please see the TransformationFeature page for more information. * JIBX databinding * Faster startup and reduced spring configuration. The Spring support has been redone to be based on the ExtensionManagerBus. This results in much faster startup. It also means that all of the imports of META-INF/cxf/cxf-extension-*.xml are no longer needed and are deprecated. Additionaly, all features are now available when using the ExtensionManager Bus instead of being forced to use Spring. * WSS4J has been updated from 1.5.x to 1.6. See http://ws.apache.org/wss4j/wss4j16.html for the list of new features and upgrade notes for Apache WSS4J 1.6. Some notable new features for CXF users include: * SAML2 support: WSS4J 1.6 includes full support for creating, manipulating and parsing SAML2 assertions, via the Opensaml2 library. See http://coheigea.blogspot.com/2011/02/support-for-saml2-assertions-in-wss4j.html for more information. * Performance work: A general code-rewrite has been done with a focus on improving performance. * Support for Crypto trust-stores: WSS4J 1.6 separates the concept of keystore and truststores. See http://coheigea.blogspot.com/2011/01/wss4j-16-crypto-property-change.html for more information. * WS-SecurityPolicy support for SAML tokens. * Initial OSGi Blueprint support for JAX-WS and JAX-RS * A simple framework for building an STS was added to CXF's WS-Security module. See the sts_issue_operation sample to see this being used to generate SAML tokens based on X509 certs used for the authentication. Users are encourage to review the migration guide at: http://cxf.apache.org/docs/24-migration-guide.html for further information and requirements for upgrading to 2.4.0. In particular, the upgrades to WSS4J and Neethi will require some migration work if you use the WSS4J API's directly or have created your own Policy objects or builders. Additionally, XmlSchema was update to 2.0 so any custom Aegis types may need to be updated. 2.4.10 fixes over 20 JIRA issues reported by users and the community. 2. Installation Prerequisites Before installing Apache CXF, make sure the following products, with the specified versions, are installed on your system: * Java 5 Development Kit * Apache Maven 2.2.1 or 3.x * Some samples can be built with Apache Ant 1.6 or later 3. Integrating CXF Into You Application If you use Maven to build your application, you need merely add appropriate dependencies. See the pom.xml files in the samples. If you don't use Maven, you'll need to add one or more jars to your classpath. The file lib/WHICH_JARS should help you decide which jars you need. 4. Building the Samples Building the samples included in the binary distribution is easy. Change to the samples directory and follow the build instructions in the README.txt file included with each sample. 5. Reporting Problems If you have any problems or want to send feedback of any kind, please e-mail the CXF dev list, dev@cxf.apache.org. You can also file issues in JIRA at: http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CXF 6. Migration notes: See the migration guide at: http://cxf.apache.org/docs/24-migration-guide.html for caveats when upgrading from CXF 2.3.x to 2.4.x. 7. Specific issues, features, and improvements fixed in this version ** Bug * [CXF-4475] - LoggingInInterceptor throws when pretty printing MTOM messages * [CXF-4476] - Content-Disposition header may be incorrectly set in MTOM under windows * [CXF-4482] - AttachmentSerializer puts an extra new line * [CXF-4493] - If javax.jws.Oneway annotation is specified for a SOAP interface method a NPE occurs * [CXF-4494] - JMSDestination need set binary mode if server send MTOM message back * [CXF-4499] - wrong charset encoding in FormEncodingProvider * [CXF-4507] - bug in SchemaJavascriptBuilder while deserializing an Array * [CXF-4511] - WS-RM Sequence header should have mustUnderstand attribute * [CXF-4514] - JAXRS client ignores enum properties when populating request URI from beans * [CXF-4518] - CXF bundle jax-ws-catalog.xml doesn't include mapping of "http://www.w3.org/2006/03/addressing" * [CXF-4520] - XMLStreamException about namespace has not been bound to a prefix with other stax implemenation * [CXF-4533] - Encoding error in CachedOutputStream when double-byte char is on 1024 byte boundary * [CXF-4535] - SOAP fault XML is invalid when a details element exists * [CXF-4539] - WS-Security inbound performance regression * [CXF-4540] - Colon character in the password is not hanled properly in AbstractHTTPDestination class * [CXF-4541] - idl2wsdl not finding properly scoped structure elements * [CXF-4542] - @XmlJavaTypeAdapter ignored on exception classes * [CXF-4545] - ut_sign + sign_enc samples broken in last releases ** Improvement * [CXF-4479] - Improve "No namespace on "{0}" element" error message. * [CXF-4515] - maven java2ws plugin address configuration