Apache cTAKES ================================== Detail documentation can found at: http://ctakes.apache.org Requirements --------------------------------------- Java 1.8 is required to run cTAKES Maven 3.0.0 is required for building it Running a simple pipeline in the UIMA CAS Visual Debugger or in the Collection Processing Engine ---------------------------------------------------------------- Run bin/runctakesCVD/CPE.sh.bat Load AE (analysis engine) Select desc/ctakes-clinical-pipeline/desc/analysis_engine/AggregatePlaintextProcessor Enter note or other text Run analysis engine NOTE: The included example dictionary is very small. Try a sentence such as: Patient took aspirin for knee pain Using LVG resources ---------------------------------------------------------------- Refer to the cTAKES User Install Guide or cTAKES Developer Install Guide for the current release of Apache cTAKES for information about obtaining the full LVG resource. Using UMLS resources ---------------------------------------------------------------- Refer to the cTAKES User Install Guide or cTAKES Developer Install Guide for the current release of Apache cTAKES for information about obtaining the UMLS resources used by cTAKES. Please see https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CTAKES/cTAKES+