// Define some global attributes include::_globattr.adoc[] [[binary_install]] Install the Binary Release -------------------------- We provide an all-inclusive package for new users, and separate PEAR packages for users to upgrade select components of the {osp-short}. They can be found at {osp-download}. The source code can also be downloaded following the link to {osp-site}. // In addition, we provide all the source code in the same web site. This chapter guides you through installing the binary release and processing an example clinical note. TIP: If you don't know what 'binary' and 'source' are, you probably would need to download the binary release. .All-inclusive [NOTE] =================================================================== In the above, "all-inclusive" package means all the code, plus trained models for sentence detection, part of speech tagging, etc. Also included are sample dictionaries and a small subset of the full LVG resource. This allows you to run a simple example to give you an idea of what cTAKES is capable of. To make real use of cTAKES, you will want to see <>. =================================================================== Prerequisites ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .Compiling from source ********************************************************************** If you would like to compile from source, you may safely skip this chapter, and go directly to <>. ********************************************************************** {osp-short} requires Java version 1.5 (aka Java 5) or later and Apache UIMA to run. You can get the latest version of Java from {jre-download}, and Apache UIMA from {uima-download}. Please follow their installation instructions. TIP: The Apache UIMA documentation shows how to integrate it with Eclipse. If you don't plan to develop your own code, just follow the steps in section ``{uima-install}'' of the UIMA documentation Book 1 ``{uima-doc-book1}''. Install from PEAR packages ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ include::_extractpear.adoc[] Process a sample clinical note ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . Run + _____ *++cvd.bat -desc "{inst-root-dir}+++\clinical documents pipeline\clinical documents pipeline_pear.xml"+* (on Windows) *+cvd.sh -desc \'{inst-root-dir}/clinical documents pipeline/clinical documents pipeline_pear.xml'+* (on Linux) _____ + from command line to start CAS Visual Debugger (CVD). include::_testrun.adoc[] NOTE: If UIMA's `bin` directory is not in your path, you'll need to give the full path to `cvd.bat` or `cvd.sh`. NOTE: We will discuss optional packages in <>. include::_testcollection.adoc[] include::_optionalcomponents.adoc[] include::_postinstall.adoc[]