Glossary -------- [glossary] CDA:: Clinical Document Architecture -- an {hl7-home}[HL7] XML-based standard for clinical documents. GENIA:: A collection of biomedical literature. It has been compiled and annotated within the scope of the GENIA project. {genia-home}. Orange Book:: A list from the {fda-home}[U.S. Food and Drug Administrator] (FDA) of FDA approved prescription drugs, including new and generic drugs. {orangebook-home}. Penn Treebank:: Corpus of naturally-occuring text annotated for linguistic structure. {ptb-home}. RxNORM:: A ``standardized nomenclature for clinical drugs'', produced by the {nlm-home}[National Library of Medicine] (NLM). {rxnorm-home}. SNOMED:: Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine--Clinical Terms (SNOMED CT (R)) -- a comprehensive clinical terminology, originally created by the {cap-home}[College of American Pathologists] (CAP) and now, owned, maintained, and distributed by the {ihtsdo-home}[International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation] (IHTSDO). {snomed-home}. See also {snomed-umls}. UMLS:: {nlm-home}[U.S. National Library of Medicine]'s Unified Medical Language System (R). {umls-home}.