// Define some global attributes include::_globattr.adoc[] [[sec_test_opt_src]] Test optional components ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This section can be skipped if you have not downloaded any optional components. Dependency Parser ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The dependency parser can be tested in Eclipse: * Using CVD: Launch ``UIMA_CVD\--dependency parser'', then load +{inst-root-dir}/dependency parser/desc/analysis_engine/ClearParserPlaintextAggregate.xml+ * Using CPE: Launch ``UIMA_CPE\--dependency parser'', then open the CPE Descriptor +{inst-root-dir}/dependency parser/desc/collection_processing_engine/ClearParserTestCPE.xml+, and hit the triangle ``run'' button * In the clinical documents pipeline: ** Right-click clinical documents pipeline -> Build Path -> Configure Build Path, and add dependency parser to the Projects tab. ** Open +{inst-root-dir}/clinical documents pipeline/desc/analysis_engine/AggregatePlaintextProcessor.xml+ and +AggregateCdaProcessor.xml+ with the Component Descriptor Editor. ** Under the ``Aggregate'' tab, click ``Add...'' and select +{inst-root-dir}/dependency parser/desc/analysis_engine/ClearParserAE.xml+ ** Re-run the CVD or CPE launch for clinical documents pipeline within Eclipse. It can also be tested from the command line: * Using CPE: ** Change directory to +{inst-root-dir}/dependency parser+ ** Run +scripts/run_CPE_GUI.sh+. This will set up the classpath necessary for the dependency parser, and launch the same CPE GUI as before. ** Open +{inst-root-dir}/dependency parser/desc/collection_processing_engine/ClearParserTestCPE.xml+, and hit the triangle ``run'' button * In the clinical documents pipeline (requires updated source code), viewing with CVD: ** Edit +{inst-root-dir}/clinical documents pipeline/desc/analysis_engine/AggregatePlaintextProcessor.xml+, deleting the comment marks around all instances of ``ClearParserAE'' ** Edit +{inst-root-dir}/build.xml+ to delete comment marks around instances of ``dependency parser'' ** While in +{inst-root-dir}+, type +ant testrun+ (assumes a working version of +ant+) NOTE: For source code, +build.xml+ will not be present; copy all files from the +files for pipeline root+ project to +{inst-root-dir}+ Drug NER ^^^^^^^^ The Drug NER project can be tested in Eclipse: * Process PlainText document: ** Using CVD: Launch ``UIMA_CVD\--Drug NER'', then load +{inst-root-dir}/Drug NER/desc/analysis_engine/DrugAggregatePlaintextPorcessor.xml+ ** Using CPE: Launch ``UIMA_CPE\--Drug NER'', then open the CPE Descriptor +{inst-root-dir}/Drug NER/desc/collection_processing_engine/DrugNER_PlainText_CPE.xml+, modify the Input Directory path to point to +{inst-root-dir}/Drug NER/data+, and hit the triangle ``run'' button * Process CDA document: ** Using CVD: Launch ``UIMA_CVD\--Drug NER'', then load +{inst-root-dir}/Drug NER/desc/analysis_engine/DrugAggregateCDAPorcessor.xml+ ** Using CPE: Launch ``UIMA_CPE\--Drug NER'', then open the CPE Descriptor +{inst-root-dir}/Drug NER/desc/collection_processing_engine/DrugNER_CPE.xml+, modify the Input Directory path to point to +{inst-root-dir}/clinical documents pipeline/test/data+, modify the Input Directory path to point to +{inst-root-dir}/clinical documents pipeline/test/data+, and hit the triangle ``run'' button //It can also be tested from the command line: // //* Using CPE: //** Change directory to +{inst-root-dir}/Drug NER+ //** Run +scripts/run_CPE_GUI.sh+. //This will set up the classpath necessary for the dependency parser, //and launch the same CPE GUI as before. //** Open +{inst-root-dir}/Drug NER/desc/collection_processing_engine/DrugNER_CPE.xml+, //and hit the triangle ``run'' button // NOTE: Release {rev-short} does not support Drug NER in +build.xml+;