///// We provide two versions of source packages: one with UIMA PEAR files, and one without. If you use the version without PEAR files, simply extract the package to one directory, which we will call +{inst-root-dir}+, and continue to the end of this section to install required packages. Otherwise, please read the next paragraph. ///// Download the main {osp-short} PEAR packages with source code, and any optional components, from {osp-site} (anything with +pear-src-bin+ in the name). Extract all the PEAR files into a temporary directory. Then follow ``{uima-pear-install}'' of the UIMA documentation Book 3 ``{uima-doc-book3}'' to install all the PEAR files, using the script in +UIMA_HOME/bin/runPearInstaller.sh+ (where +UIMA_HOME+ is the root directory of Apache UIMA). When you install, make sure you use the same folder in the Installation Directory box of the UIMA Pear Installer for all the PEAR files. We'll refer to this folder as +{inst-root-dir}+ later. .Installation order [IMPORTANT] ======================= Please install in the following order, otherwise you may experience dependency errors. . core . document preprocessor . POS tagger . chunker . context dependent tokenizer . dictionary lookup . LVG . dependency parser (optional) . NE contexts . clinical documents pipeline . PAD term spotter (optional) . Drug NER (optional) =======================