The files in this directory are here to support unit testing of the Chunker. contents: unit-test.chunker.model.bin.gz - chunker model generated by OpenNLP on unit-test.opennlp.chunks unit-test.opennlp.chunks - training data for test model. Contains ~1000 words from GENIA. unit-test-model.bin.gz - pos tagging model generated by OpenNLP (copied from POS tagger project) unit-test-tag-dictionary.txt - simple tag model for unit tests, with all words constrained to spit out "IN" it is a good contrast with the predicted values not using the tag dictionary. text-files - directory containing sample input files for testing the chunker The chunker model was generated with the following command: java data/test/unit-test.opennlp.chunks data/test/unit-test.chunker.model.bin.gz