4.0.0 org.apache.rat apache-rat-project 0.6RC1 apache-rat jar RAT Application This library provides upwards compatibility for projects, which are based on RAT versions upto 0.5: Basically, it provides a jar file, which is the combination of rat-core, rat-anttasks, and its dependencies. org.apache.rat apache-rat-core org.apache.rat apache-rat-tasks src/main/resources .. META-INF DISCLAIMER.txt RELEASE_NOTES.txt LICENCE.txt NOTICE.txt maven-dependency-plugin compile unpack-dependencies runtime ${project.build.outputDirectory} false maven-remote-resources-plugin 1.0 compile process org.apache:apache-jar-resource-bundle:1.4 true maven-jar-plugin **/LICENSE **/NOTICE META-INF/maven org.apache.rat.Report rat Release Audit Tool apache.org ${project.version} apache.org Release Audit Tool Apache Software Foundation ${project.version} maven-assembly-plugin 2.2-beta-2 ${basedir}/src/assemble/ make-assembly package attached