% couch_config_writer module test suote % Set up test suite % ?MODULE_test() returns a list of functions % that run the actual tests. % todo, fix replace_existing_variable2 (i.e. reordering) couch_config_writer_test() -> [ fun() -> replace_existing_variable() end, fun() -> replace_existing_variable2() end, fun() -> replace_existing_variable3() end, fun() -> append_new_variable() end, fun() -> append_new_module() end, fun() -> overwrite_variable_further_down() end ]. % test functions replace_existing_variable() -> % create file Contents = "[section] variable = value [another section] another_var = another_value ", Expect = "[section] variable = new_value [another section] another_var = another_value ", run_operation_and_compare_results(Contents, Expect, {{"section", "variable"}, "new_value"}). replace_existing_variable2() -> % create file Contents = "[section] variable = value variable2 = value2 variable3 = value3 variable4 = value4 [another_section] another_var = another_value ", Expect = "[section] variable = value variable2 = value2 variable3 = new_value3 variable4 = value4 [another_section] another_var = another_value ", run_operation_and_compare_results(Contents, Expect, {{"section", "variable3"}, "new_value3"}). replace_existing_variable3() -> % create file Contents = "[first_section] var=val [section] variable = value variable2 = value2 variable3 = value3 variable4 = value4 [another_section] another_var = another_value ", Expect = "[first_section] var=val [section] variable = value variable2 = value2 variable3 = new_value3 variable4 = value4 [another_section] another_var = another_value ", run_operation_and_compare_results(Contents, Expect, {{"section", "variable3"}, "new_value3"}). append_new_variable() -> % create file Contents = "[section] variable = value variable2 = value [another_section] another_var = another_value ", Expect = "[section] variable = value variable2 = value fantasy_variable = Citation Needed [another_section] another_var = another_value ", run_operation_and_compare_results(Contents, Expect, {{"section", "fantasy_variable"}, "Citation Needed"}). append_new_module() -> % create file Contents = "[section] variable = value [another_section] another_var = another_value ", Expect = "[section] variable = value [another_section] another_var = another_value [one_more_section] favourite_food = cupcakes ", run_operation_and_compare_results(Contents, Expect, [{{"one_more_section", "favourite_food"}, "cupcakes"}]). overwrite_variable_further_down() -> % create file Contents = "[section] variable = value [another_section] another_var = another_value ", Expect = "[section] variable = value [another_section] another_var = another_value [erlang] option = value option2 = value2 ", run_operation_and_compare_results(Contents, Expect, [{{"erlang", "option"}, "value"}, {{"erlang", "option2"}, "value2"}]). run_operation_and_compare_results(Contents, Expect, Config) when not is_list(Config) -> run_operation_and_compare_results(Contents, Expect, [Config]); run_operation_and_compare_results(Contents, Expect, Config) -> Filename = "local.ini", file:write_file(Filename, Contents), % call replace function [couch_config_writer:save_to_file(ConfigVar, Filename) || ConfigVar <- Config], % compare new file with expected file {ok, Result_} = file:read_file(Filename), Result = binary_to_list(Result_), % clean up % file:delete(Filename), Result = Expect.