------ Configuring Continuum to start automatically on Linux ------ Miguel Griffa ------ Mon Oct 11 2005 Configuring Continuum to start automatically on Linux 2 * Introduction This document explains how to setup continuum to start automatically (when the machine boots) in linux. This is a procedure quite tipical for a linux system administrator, the purpose of this document is to help you in case you don't have a linux sysadmin at hand. This document is based on Debian GNU/Linux, all concepts should apply to other distributions and all procedures (tipically with some slight modificacion on directories paths) should apply. * Prerequisites * Download continuum from {{{download.html}here}}. * extract the archive in <<>> * Configuring continuum in init Since the continuum linux script bin/linux/run.sh understands the same arguments as linux boot scripts, there is no need to write a particular startup script to add continuum to the linux boot process. All you need to do, as root, is: +--+ ln -s /usr/local/continuum-1.0-beta-1/bin/linux/run.sh /etc/init.d/continuum +--+ At this point you have continuum ready to be symlinked from different runlevels. This might sound a bit esoteric, but it is not, you find very fast these words as soon as you start reading about the init process. Fortunately, Debian GNU/Linux comes with a very handy utility to create this links, just run as root: +--+ update-rc.d -n continuum defaults 80 +--+ If just copypasted this command, you will see something like this: +--+ Adding system startup for /etc/init.d/continuum ... /etc/rc0.d/K80continuum -> ../init.d/continuum /etc/rc1.d/K80continuum -> ../init.d/continuum /etc/rc6.d/K80continuum -> ../init.d/continuum /etc/rc2.d/S80continuum -> ../init.d/continuum /etc/rc3.d/S80continuum -> ../init.d/continuum /etc/rc4.d/S80continuum -> ../init.d/continuum /etc/rc5.d/S80continuum -> ../init.d/continuum +--+ What you see is the symlinks that would be created. The above command didn't do anything that's because the <<<-n>>> switch, remove it to get the real links creted.