------ Getting Started ------ Trygve Laugstøl ------ Fri May 20 2005 Installing Continuum After you have downloaded and unpacked the bundle execute <<>> if you are on a UNIX platform or <<>> if you are using Windows or <<>> if you are using MacOS X. When Continuum is running you can access it with your browser on {{http://localhost:8080/continuum/}} or by using the XMLRPC interface on port 8000. Adding Projects to Continuum * Adding Maven 2 Projects When adding a Maven 2 project all you need is the URL to a POM. The POM has to include at least the SCM information to be able to check out the project. If there is a <<<>>> element inside the POM continuum will try to download the child projects by adding the module name to the end of the url. This makes it very easy to add a entire project to Continuum if you list all the child projects insode the POM. If you are using ViewCVS you can add your project with a url like this: +--+ http://svn.codehaus.org/*checkout*/trunk/pom.xml?root=plexus +--+ When adding projects from ViewCVS (and possibly other equivalent systems) make sure you remove the part of the url specifying the revision of the POM to get. If you don't do this you might not get the latest POM old data. ** Configuring Maven 2 Projects When adding Maven 2 projects Continuum will read the data in the POM and store it. It will store: * The SCM information * The developers * The notifiers [] The notifiers is configured inside the <<<>>> section of the POM like this: +--+ continuum ... +--+ Example mail notifier configuration: +--+ mail
+--+ Example IRC notifier configuration: +--+ irc irc.codehaus.org 6667 #maven +--+ The IRC notifier will not join the channel so the channel can't have mode +n. To make sure that the channel doesn't have mode +n set write this in a IRC client: <<>> * Adding Maven 1 Projects Adding a Maven 1 it pretty much like adding a Maven 2 project, pass it an URL to a POM with SCM information and Continuum will add the projects. There are is a caveat though: The POM cannot extend a parent POM. When Continuum is downloading the POM it won't know how to find the parent POMs. The best way to use Continuum with Maven 1 projects is to give Continuum the root POM of your projects only and then have a special goal in the root projects <<>> to build all of the projects. In subsequent versions of Continuum we will deal with Maven 1.x projects in a cleaner way. * Adding Ant Projects When adding Ant projects you have to specify the project's name, SCM URL, version and the targets to execute. The SCM URL is a Maven SCM URL. Here's an example of what an SCM URL looks like: <<>> * Adding Shell Projects When adding shell projects you have to specify the project's name, SCM URL, version and the shell script to execute. The working directory of the project will be prepended to the scripts path. The SCM URL is a Maven SCM URL. Here's an example of what an SCM URL looks like: <<>> Building Projects * Using the Web Interface To build a project with the web interface from the project list, simply press the "build" button and the project will be enqueued on the build list. If Continuum isn't already building a project it will start the build immediately. * Using the XML-RPC Interface By using the <<>> Python script you can remotely control Continuum. Start the script by executing <<>> and write <<>> to list all available commands. There is also a reusable Python library called <<>> that can be used to integrate remote control over Continuum into other Python applications.