How can I add my maven 1 project which uses extends?

If you want to add a project that extends an other, you must add the parent project. When you add a project with sub-projects, Continuum will add all sub-projects, so you need to provide an URL instead to uploading a POM so that Continuum can find all sub-projects.

How can I add my maven 2 project with modules?

If your project has modules, you need to provide an URL instead of uploading a POM. When you add a project with modules, Continuum will add all sub-projects, and this only works by submitting an URL.

How does Continuum detect a successful build?

Continuum uses the command line return code for detecting a successful or failed execution.

If you use maven or ant, you need to add at the end of maven.bat and ant.bat, the following line :

if "%MAVEN_TERMINATE_CMD%" == "on" exit %ERROR_CODE%

If your bat file contains at the end an exit /B, this line must be copy before it. You must add too, at the begin of $CONTINUUM/bin/win32/run.bat, the following lines :

@echo off set MAVEN_TERMINATE_CMD=on
Can i use file protocol in Add Project view?

File protocol is disabled by default for security reasons. You can allow it in $CONTINUUM_HOME/apps/continuum/conf/application.xml

Uncomment the following line :

file ]]>