------ Configuring Continuum ------ Trygve Laugstøl ------ Fri May 20 2005 Configuring Continuum The configuration file for Continuum is inside the Plexus runtime under <<>>. : You have to start and stop the application at least once before configuring Continuum. This is required because the application container has to unpack the application. * Mail Notification There are three components used by the mail notification system in Continuum: * The Mail notifier itself. There are three configurable properties: * <<>> and <<>>: The mailbox and name that will be set as the <<>> header for all mails sent. It is important to ensure that the mailbox is a real account as most SMTP servers will verify that the mailbox actually exists before accepting the mail. If the from mailbox is empty or not specified the nag email address for the project will be used. * <<>>: This is the timestamp format used for the dates in email messages. * The recipient source. This is the component that decides who should receive the email. The only thing that can be configured here is a address that will be used as the recipient for all email sent. This configuration is mostly useful for people who want to make sure all email is sent to a specific account during testing or development. * The mail sender is the component that will send the email to the SMTP server. The two properties that can be configured are: * <<>>: The SMTP host. Make sure that this host will accept email. * <<>>: The port to use on the SMTP host. * Alarm Trigger The alarm trigger will trigger a build of all the projects on a timed interval. * <<>>: The number of seconds between each round of scheduling. * <<>>: The number of seconds to wait before starting the first round of scheduling post startup. * Jetty Configuration Jetty is configured in a special way as it's a service, not a component. You can configure a set of listeners for the ports that Jetty should listen on. There are two types of listeners: * <<>>: This is a normal HTTP listener and must have <<<>>> and optionaly <<<>>> configured. The host is name or IP of the interface the Jetty instance will listen on. If not configured Jetty will listen on all interfaces. * <<>>: This is a special HTTP listener used when having another web server as a front end to Continuum. It can be configured like the normal HTTP listener by using <<<>>> and <<<>>> but has also two other arguments: * <<>>: Set this to the host name of the public web server. * <<>>: Set this to the port number of the public web server. ** Example Jetty Configuration This is a example configuration on how to configure Jetty with one normal HTTP listener and one proxy HTTP listener. With this configuration Jetty will listen on two ports; 8080 and 8090. Continuum can be used from either http://localhost:8080 or http://www.company.com/continuum. Note that the proxying listener will make Continuum write out URLs with the configured proxy host and port. +----+ jetty ${plexus.home}/lib/continuum-web-1.0-alpha-3-SNAPSHOT.jar /continuum ${plexus.home}/webapp 8080 8090 www.company.com 80 +----+ ** Example Apache Configuration This is a example configuration on how to configure Apache to work as a front end to Continuum. Make sure <<>> is installed and loaded and that Jetty is configured with a proxy HTTP listener on the proxy port. +----+ ProxyPass /continuum http://localhost:8090/continuum/ ProxyPassReverse /continuum http://localhost:8090/continuum/ +----+ * Socket Listeners There are two services listening on sockets that can be configured: * <<>>: This registrar will read POM URLs for the Maven 1.x and 2.x project builders. * <<>>: This registrar will read project IDs off the wire and schedule a build for that project.