------ CruiseControl Support ------ Trygve Laugstøl ------ Fri May 23 2005 CruiseControl Support Continuum will pick out a few elements from the configuration file and create a set of Continuum projects: * Each <<>> tag will become a Continuum project. The <<>> tag is required and will used as the name of the project. * For each <<>> pick ut the first <<>>. At least one modification set has to be specified. If multiple modification sets are specified, the first will be used. Continuum currently only supports CVS and SVN so these are the only two supported modification set types. The SCM URL for the project will be <<<"scm:cvs:">>> + the value of the <<>> attribute if it is a SVN modification set or the value of the <<>> attribute if it is a CVS modification set. * The nag email address will be set to the <<
>> attribute of the <<>> of the <<>> or <<>> elements.