Tag List Report

The following document contains the listing of user tags found in the code. Below is the summary of the occurrences per tag.

Tag Class Total number of occurrences Tag strings used by tag class
@todo 1 @todo

Each tag is detailed below:


Number of occurrences found in the code: 1

org.apache.maven.continuum.web.action.SurefireReportAction Line
too many inner classes, maybe a continuum-reports project group ? 41


Number of occurrences found in the code: 15

org.apache.maven.continuum.web.action.AddMavenProjectAction Line
Remove this method because a default method return SUCCESS instead of INPUT 245
org.apache.maven.continuum.web.action.AddMavenTwoProjectAction Line
remove this part once uploading of an m2 project with modules is supported ( CONTINUUM-1098 ) 48
remove this part once uploading of an m2 project with modules is supported ( CONTINUUM-1098 ) 63
org.apache.maven.continuum.web.action.AddProjectAction Line
Instead of get all projects then test them, it would be better to check it directly in the DB 123
org.apache.maven.continuum.web.action.BuildProjectAction Line
Check if this code is called, I don't think If it is, it should used the projectId 79
org.apache.maven.continuum.web.action.GroupSummaryAction Line
Merge this two requests to one 54
org.apache.maven.continuum.web.action.ReleasePerformAction Line
Use the model reader so we'll can get the plugin configuration from parent too 174
org.apache.maven.continuum.web.action.ReleasePrepareAction Line
Use the model reader so we'll can get the plugin configuration from parent too 213
org.apache.maven.continuum.web.action.SummaryAction Line
Create a summary jpox request so code will be more simple and performance will be better 82
org.apache.maven.continuum.web.action.WorkingCopyAction Line
maybe create a plexus component for this so that additional mimetypes can be easily added 141
org.apache.maven.continuum.web.action.admin.EditPomAction Line
hack for passed in String[] 72
org.apache.maven.continuum.web.action.notifier.AddGroupNotifierAction Line
Remove this method because a default method return SUCCESS instead of INPUT 78
org.apache.maven.continuum.web.action.notifier.AddProjectNotifierAction Line
Remove this method because a default method return SUCCESS instead of INPUT 86
org.apache.maven.continuum.web.checks.security.RoleProfileEnvironmentCheck Line
use continuum.executeAction( "add-assignable-roles", context ); or something like that to avoid code duplication 68
org.apache.maven.continuum.web.validator.InstallationValidator Line
validating varValue != null depending on type (not null for envVar) 68