----- Verifier Ant Task ----- Dennis Lundberg ----- 2010-04-17 ----- Verifier Ant Task This task is packaged in <<>>. It will use the BouncyCastle JARs at runtime. It has been tested with <<>> and <<>>. The <<>> task can verify one file at a time. * Attributes *----------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ || Attribute || Description || Required | *----------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | <<>> | Secret key ring file. | Yes | *----------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | <<>> | Public key ring file. | Yes | *----------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | <<>> | Password of the secret key ring. | Yes | *----------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | <<>> | Whether the signature is ASCII armored. Boolean, defaults to <<>>. | No | *----------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | <<>> | The file that you want to verify. | Yes | *----------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | <<>> | The name of the property that will hold the result of the verification. | Yes | *----------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ ** <<>> nested element The task may take a {{{http://ant.apache.org/manual/CoreTypes/mapper.html} mapper}} nested element. This nested element tells the task how the signature files should be named. If you do not supply this element, the signature files should be located in the same directory as the file that you verify. An ending of <<<.asc>>> will be used for the file name for ASCII armored input (the default). If you set <<>> to false, the ending will be <<<.sig>>> * Example ----- -----