----- Signer Ant Task ----- Antoine Levy-Lambert ----- 12 October 2006 ----- Signer Ant Task This task will be packaged in the <<>>. It will use the BouncyCastle JARs at runtime. It has been tested with <<>> and <<>>. The generated signatures can be verified with GPG. The <<>> task can sign one or more files at once. * Attributes *------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ || Attribute || Description || Required | *------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | <<>> | Secret key ring file. | Yes | *------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | <<>> | Public key ring file. | Yes | *------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | <<>> | Password of the secret key ring. | Yes | *------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | <<>> | Id of the key used to sign. | Yes | *------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | <<>> | Whether to use ASCII armor. Boolean, defaults to <<>>. | No | *------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | <<>> | The file that you want to sign. | No, if a fileset nested element is present. | *------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ The task must also take either one or more nested <<>> elements, or an <<>> attribute. ** <<>> nested element The task can take one or more <<>> nested elements. See the {{{http://ant.apache.org/manual/CoreTypes/fileset.html} Ant manual}} for an explanation. If you want to sign just one file, the <<>> attribute can be used instead. ** <<>> nested element The task may take a {{{http://ant.apache.org/manual/CoreTypes/mapper.html} mapper}} nested element. This nested element tells the task how the signature files should be named. If you do not supply this element, the signature files will be located in the same directory as the files that you sign. An ending of <<<.asc>>> will be appended to the file name for ASCII armored output (the default). If you set <<>> to false, the ending will be <<<.sig>>> * Example ----- -----