ZERO_OR_NEGATIVE=Value {0} is not strictly positive NEGATIVE=Value {0} is not positive OUT_OF_RANGE=Value {0} is out of range [{1}, {2}] DIMENSION_MISMATCH=Dimension mismatch ({0} != {1}) ARRAY_TOO_SHORT=Array length ({0}) is smaller than the minimum required ({1}) NOT_STRICTLY_INCREASING=Points {0} and {1} are not strictly increasing ({2} >= {3}) NOT_INCREASING=Points {0} and {1} are not increasing ({2} > {3}) NOT_STRICTLY_DECREASING=Points {0} and {1} are not strictly decreasing ({2} <= {3}) NOT_DECREASING=Points {0} and {1} are not decreasing ({2} < {3}) NEGATIVE_POWER_OF_INTEGER=Cannot raise an integral value to a negative power ({0}^{1}) CANNOT_NORMALIZE=Cannot normalize to {0} NO_DATA=No data