Best Practices for using Jakarta Commons "Discovery" Component

[Introduction] [Discovery Services] [Additional Tools] [Calling Directly] [Integrating into Factories : Wrapping]


Best-practices are discussed. See the javadoc, starting with DiscoverySingleton and DiscoverClass, for detail on the API: where service implementations are looked for, the order in which those places are checked, which classloaders are used, and the order in which they are used.




3.1.1. Finding Singleton Instances (Factories)

DiscoverSingleton finds, loads, and manages the lifecycle of a class implementing a given interface. It only supports classes with default (zero-argument) constructors. DiscoverSingleton can pass a set of properties to the class (see [Service Life Cycle Management]). Use of the term singleton should be applied loosely: DiscoverSingleton will instantiate separate instances of a class if called with different:

To call discovery directly from user-code:

DiscoverSingleton looks for the value of the system property org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory for the name of a class that implements the LogFactory (abstract) class. Failing that, it uses JDK1.3-style service discovery.

DiscoverSingleton also allows a java.util.Properties parameter to be used for query for service implementation class name, as well as a default implementation class name:

The properties can also be specified as a resource name:

This last form is equivalent in function to the original LogFactory.getFactory() method.

There are a variety of find methods provided by DiscoverSingleton, review the javadoc for other forms and options available.

3.1.2. Finding Classes

DiscoverClass finds and loads a class implementing a given interface. DiscoverClass can pass a set of properties to the class if it implements the Service interface (which doesn't support full-lifecycle management as does the SingletonService interface).

DiscoverClass provides API's that instantiate a class, though it currently supports only classes with default (zero-argument) constructors. Unlike DiscoverySingleton, class instances are not cached, so each call will result in a new object instance.

DiscoverClass is more oriented toward calling multiple times within similar contexts, so it's use is slightly different than DiscoverSingleton: where as DiscoverSingleton provides a set of static methods (no state), DiscoverClass must be instantiated before it is used and maintains internal state.

To find a class directly from user-code: [NEED BETTER EXAMPLE]

In this case, DiscoverClass looks for the value of the system property org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory for the name of a class that implements the LogFactory (abstract) class. Failing that, it uses JDK1.3-style service discovery.

To instantiate a class directly from user-code: [NEED BETTER EXAMPLE]

As with DiscoverSingleton, DiscoverClass provides methods that use java.util.Properties and a default implementation class name to help determine the name of the class.


In this example, a factory (such as is used in commons-logging) internalizes the discovery mechanism, passing appropriate defaults for a default properties file and a default implementation. In this case, the factory plays double duty as both the service to be discovered (abstract class), and the discovery mechanism.

Note the addition of one extra parameter to the find method call. The first parameter is a root wrapper class, which delegates to the discovery mechanism. This is necessary to all Discovery to determine the correct class loaders to be used in loading an implementation class. The second parameter is the service interface/class for which Discovery will be looking for an implementation. In this example, they are the same class, as the LogFactory is providing helper methods that 'wrap' Discovery.