# Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INTRODUCTION The purpose of the R programs included in this directory is to validate the target values used in jakarta commons math unit tests. Success running the R and commons-math tests on a platform (OS and R version) means that R and commons-math give results for the test cases that are close in value. The tests include configurable tolerance levels; but care must be taken in changing these, since in most cases the pre-set tolerance is close to the number of decimal digits used in expressing the expected values (both here and in the corresponding commons-math unit tests). Of course it is always possible that both R and commons-math give incorrect values for test cases, so these tests should not be interpreted as definitive in any absolute sense. The value of developing and running the tests is really to generate questions (and answers!) when the two systems give different results. Contributions of additional test cases (both R and Junit code) or just R programs to validate commons-math tests that are not covered here would be greatly appreciated. SETUP 0) Download and install R. You can get R here http://www.r-project.org/ Follow the install instructions and make sure that you can launch R from this (i.e., either explitly add R to your OS path or let the install package do it for you). 1) Launch R from this directory and type > source("testAll") to an R prompt. This should produce output to the console similar to this: Binomial test cases Density test n = 10, p = 0.7...........................................SUCCEEDED Distribution test n = 10, p = 0.7......................................SUCCEEDED Inverse Distribution test n = 10, p = 0.7..............................SUCCEEDED Density test n = 5, p = 0..............................................SUCCEEDED Distribution test n = 5, p = 0.........................................SUCCEEDED Density test n = 5, p = 1..............................................SUCCEEDED Distribution test n = 5, p = 1.........................................SUCCEEDED -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Normal test cases Distribution test mu = 2.1, sigma = 1.4................................SUCCEEDED Distribution test mu = 2.1, sigma = 1.4................................SUCCEEDED Distribution test mu = 0, sigma = 1....................................SUCCEEDED Distribution test mu = 0, sigma = 0.1..................................SUCCEEDED -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ... WORKING WITH THE TESTS The R distribution comes with online manuals that you can view by launching a browser instance and then entering > help.start() at an R prompt. Poking about in the test case files and the online docs should bring you up to speed fairly quickly. Here are some basic things to get you started. I should note at this point that I by no means an expert R programmer, so some things may not be implemented in the the nicest way. Comments / suggestions for improvement are welcome! All of the test cases use some basic functions and global constants (screen width and success / failure strings) defined in "testFunctions." The R "source" function is used to "import" these functions into each of the test programs. The "testAll" program pulls together and executes all of the individual test programs. You can execute any one of them by just entering > source(). The "assertEquals" function in the testFunctions file mimics the similarly named function used by Junit: assertEquals <- function(expected, observed, tol, message) { if(any(abs(expected - observed) > tol)) { cat("FAILURE: ",message,"\n") cat("EXPECTED: ",expected,"\n") cat("OBSERVED: ",observed,"\n") return(0) } else { return(1) } } The and arguments can be scalar values, vectors or matrices. If the arguments are vectors or matrices, corresponding entries are compared. The standard pattern used throughout the tests looks like this (from binomialTestCases): Start by defining a "verification function" -- in this example a function to verify computation of binomial probabilities. The argument is a vector of integer values to feed into the density function, is a vector of the computed probabilies from the commons-math Junit tests, and

are parameters of the distribution and is the error tolerance of the test. The function computes the probabilities using R and compares the values that R produces with those in the vector. verifyDensity <- function(points, expected, n, p, tol) { rDensityValues <- rep(0, length(points)) i <- 0 for (point in points) { i <- i + 1 rDensityValues[i] <- dbinom(point, n, p, log = FALSE) } output <- c("Density test n = ", n, ", p = ", p) if (assertEquals(expected,rDensityValues,tol,"Density Values")) { displayPadded(output, SUCCEEDED, WIDTH) } else { displayPadded(output, FAILED, WIDTH) } } The displayPadded function just displays its first and second arguments with enough dots in between to make the whole string WIDTH characters long. It is defined in testFunctions. Then call this function with different parameters corresponding to the different Junit test cases: size <- 10.0 probability <- 0.70 densityPoints <- c(-1,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) densityValues <- c(0, 0.0000, 0.0001, 0.0014, 0.0090, 0.0368, 0.1029, 0.2001, 0.2668, 0.2335, 0.1211, 0.0282, 0) ... verifyDensity(densityPoints, densityValues, size, probability, tol) If the values computed by R match the target values in densityValues, this will produce one line of output to the console: Density test n = 10, p = 0.7...........................................SUCCEEDED If you modify the value of tol set at the top of binomialTestCases to make the test more sensitive than the number of digits specified in the densityValues vector, it will fail, producing the following output, showing the failure and the expected and observed values: FAILURE: Density Values EXPECTED: 0 0 1e-04 0.0014 0.009 0.0368 0.1029 0.2001 0.2668 0.2335 0.1211 / 0.0282 0 OBSERVED: 0 5.9049e-06 0.000137781 0.0014467005 0.009001692 0.036756909 / 0.1029193452 0.200120949 0.266827932 0.2334744405 0.121060821 0.0282475249 0 Density test n = 10, p = 0.7..............................................FAILED