currentTab = 0 # Display tabs loadTabs = (stab) -> main = new HTML('div', { id: 'dialog'}) document.getElementById('wrapper').innerHTML = "" document.getElementById('wrapper').appendChild(main) tdiv = new HTML('div', {class: 'tabs'}) main.inject(tdiv) k = 0 for v in tabs if (stab and stab == k) or (not stab and k == 0) currentTab = k history.pushState(null, null, "?#{k}") tab = new HTML('div', {class: 'tablink tablink_selected'}, v.title) else tab = new HTML('div', {class: 'tablink', onclick: "loadTabs(" + k + ");"}, v.title) tdiv.inject(tab) k++ # Check if person is a member of any PMC or an ASF member if jsdata.all.length > 0 bread = new HTML('div', { class: 'bread', id: 'contents'}, "Loading page, please wait...") main.inject(bread) # Dirty hack to determine membership for now if jsdata.all.length > 100 all = ['Add a tab:', '---------------'] for pmc in jsdata.all or [] all.push(pmc) sel = makeSelect('project', all) sel.setAttribute("onchange", "addTab(this.value);") tdiv.inject(sel) # If all good, render the tab loadBread(stab) else main.inject(new HTML('p', { class: 'warning'}, "You need to be a member of at least one PMC in order to utilize the reporting tool.")) addTab = (pmc) -> fetch(""+pmc, {pmc: pmc}, preloadTabs) loadBread = (which) -> if tabs[which] and tabs[which].renderer # Clear bread div document.getElementById('contents').innerHTML = "" # Render tab using render function tabs[which].renderer(tabs[which].state)