jsdata = {} rendered = {} templates = {} nproject = null; animals = ['hedgehogs', 'cows', 'geese', 'pigs', 'fluffy kittens', 'puppies', 'rabid dogs', 'ponies', 'weevils'] # This is faster than parseInt, and it's more obvious what is being done toInt = (number) -> return number | 0 makeSelect = (name, arr) -> sel = new HTML('select', { name: name}) for val in arr opt = new HTML('option', { value: val}) opt.inject(val) sel.inject(opt) return sel getWednesdays = (mo, y) -> d = new Date(); if not isNaN(mo) d.setMonth(mo); if y d.setFullYear(y, d.getMonth(), d.getDate()) month = d.getMonth() wednesdays = [] d.setDate(1) # Get the first Wednesday (day 3 of week) in the month while d.getDay() != 3 d.setDate(d.getDate() + 1) # Get all the other Wednesdays in the month while d.getMonth() == month wednesdays.push(new Date(d.getTime())) d.setDate(d.getDate() + 7) return wednesdays; # check if the entry is a wildcard month everyMonth = (s) => s == 'Every month' or s.match(/next month/i) m = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'] # Format the report month array. Assumes that non-month values appear first formatRm = (array) -> first = array[0] if array.length == 1 return first if first not in m return first.concat('; (default: ', array.slice(1).join(', '),')') return array.join(', ') # Called by: GetAsyncJSON("reportingcycles.json?" + Math.random(), [pmc, reportdate, json.pdata[pmc].name], setReportDate) setReportDate = (json, x) -> pmc = x[0] reportdate = x[1] fullname = (x[2] or "Unknown").replace(/Apache /, "") today = new Date() # the entries must be in date order dates = [] if not pmc in json pmc = fullname #reporting months for the pmc rm = json[pmc] # First check if the list contains an every month indicator # This is necessary to ensure that the dates are added to the list in order for sm in json[pmc] if everyMonth(sm) # Reset to every month rm = m break # Check the months in order, so it does not matter if the data is unordered for x,y in m for i in rm if (x == i) dates.push(getWednesdays(y)[2]) # Cannot combine with the code above because that would destroy the order ny = today.getFullYear() + 1 for x,y in m for i in rm if (x == i) dates.push(getWednesdays(y, ny)[2]) nextdate = dates[0]; while (nextdate < today) nextdate = dates.shift() reportdate.innerHTML += "Reporting schedule: " + (if json[pmc] then formatRm(json[pmc]) else "Unknown(?)") + "
" reportdate.innerHTML += "Next report date: " + (if nextdate then nextdate.toDateString() else "Unknown(?)") + "" if (nextdate) link = "https://svn.apache.org/repos/private/foundation/board/board_agenda_" + nextdate.getFullYear() + "_" + (if nextdate.getMonth() < 9 then "0" else "") + (nextdate.getMonth() + 1) + "_" + nextdate.getDate() + ".txt" reportdate.innerHTML += "
File your report in " + link + " when it has been seeded." buildPanel = (pmc, title) -> parent = document.getElementById('tab_' + pmc); toc = document.getElementById('toc_' + pmc); if (!toc) toc = document.createElement('cl') toc.setAttribute("class", "sub-nav") toc.setAttribute("id", "toc_" + pmc) if (parent.firstChild.nextSibling) parent.insertBefore(toc, parent.firstChild.nextSibling); else parent.appendChild(toc) linkname = title.toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-z0-9]+/, "") li = document.createElement('dd'); li.setAttribute("role", "menu-item") li.innerHTML = "" + title + "" toc.appendChild(li) div = document.createElement('div') div.setAttribute("id", linkname + "_" + pmc); parent.appendChild(div) titlebox = document.createElement('div'); titlebox.innerHTML = "

" + title + "     Back to top

" div.appendChild(titlebox); return div addLine = (pmc, line) -> line = if line then line else " " lines = line.split(/\n/) for xline in lines words = xline.split(" ") len = 0 out = "" for word, i in words len += word.replace(/<.+?>/, "").length + (if i == words.length - 1 then 0 else 1) if (len >= 78) out += "\n " len = words[i].replace(/<.+?>/, "").length + (if i == words.length - 1 then 0 else 1) out += words[i] + " " templates[pmc] += out + "\n" isNewPMC = (json,pmc,after) -> return json.pmcdates[pmc].pmc[1] >= (after.getTime() / 1000) PMCchanges = (json, pmc, after) -> changes = buildPanel(pmc, "PMC changes (from committee-info)"); roster = json.pmcdates[pmc].roster nc = 0; # newest committer start date np = 0; # newest pmc member start date ncn = null; # newest committer name npn = null; # newest pmc name afterTime = after.getTime() / 1000 pmcStartTime = json.pmcdates[pmc].pmc[2] addLine(pmc, "## PMC changes:") addLine(pmc) if (pmcStartTime > afterTime) afterTime = pmcStartTime changes.innerHTML += "
Changes since PMC creation:
" else changes.innerHTML += "
Changes within the last 3 months:
" # pre-flight check c = 0; # total number of pmc members npmc = 0; # number of recent pmc members for k, entry of roster c++ if (entry[1] > afterTime) npmc++; addLine(pmc, " - Currently " + c + " PMC members.") if (npmc > 1) addLine(pmc, " - New PMC members:") for k, entry of roster if (entry[1] > np) # find most recent member np = entry[1] # start date npn = entry[0]; # full name if (entry[1] > afterTime) changes.innerHTML += "→ " + entry[0] + " was added to the PMC on " + new Date(entry[1] * 1000).toDateString() + "
"; addLine(pmc, (if npmc > 1 then " " else "") + " - " + entry[0] + " was added to the PMC on " + new Date(entry[1] * 1000).toDateString()) if (npmc == 0) addLine(pmc, " - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months") changes.innerHTML += "→ No new PMC members in the last 3 months.
"; if (npn) if (np < afterTime) addLine(pmc, " - Last PMC addition was " + npn + " on " + new Date(np * 1000).toDateString()) changes.innerHTML += "→ " + "Last PMC addition: " + new Date(np * 1000).toDateString() + " (" + npn + ")
" changes.innerHTML += "→ " + "Currently " + c + " PMC members.
" changes.innerHTML += "
PMC established: " + json.pmcdates[pmc].pmc[0] if (pmcStartTime > 0) # don't use missing time changes.innerHTML += " (assumed actual date: " + epochSecsYYYYMMDD(pmcStartTime) + ")" addLine(pmc) epochSecsYYYYMMDD = (t) => new Date(t * 1000).toISOString().slice(0, 10) renderFrontPage = (tpmc) -> thisHour = toInt(new Date().getTime() / (3600*1000)) # this changes once per hour container = document.getElementById('contents') json = jsdata sproject = tpmc; hcolors = ["#000070", "#007000", "#407000", "#70500", "#700000", "#A00000"] hvalues = ["Super Healthy", "Healthy", "Mostly Okay", "Unhealthy", "Action required!", "URGENT ACTION REQUIRED!"] container.innerHTML = "" for pmc, i in json.pmcs if pmc == tpmc or not tpmc top = document.createElement('div'); container.appendChild(top) # If we already rendered this, just re-add it if rendered[pmc] container.appendChild(rendered[pmc]) return # Stuff has broken, check that we have dates! if (not pmc in json.pmcdates) continue templates[pmc] = "" addLine(pmc, "## Description:") if ('shortdesc' in jsdata.pdata[pmc]) addLine(pmc, " " + json.pdata[pmc].shortdesc) else addLine(pmc, " - Description goes here") addLine(pmc) a = animals[Math.floor(Math.random()*animals.length*0.999)] addLine(pmc, "## Issues:") addLine(pmc, " - TODO - list any issues that require board attention, \n or say \"there are no issues requiring board attention at this time\" - if not, the " + a + " will get you.") addLine(pmc) addLine(pmc, "## Activity:") addLine(pmc, " - TODO - the PMC MUST provide this information") addLine(pmc) a = animals[Math.floor(Math.random()*animals.length*0.999)] addLine(pmc, "## Health report:") addLine(pmc, " - TODO - Please use this paragraph to elaborate on why the current project activity (mails, commits, bugs etc) is at its current level - Maybe " + a + " took over and are now controlling the project?") addLine(pmc) obj = document.createElement('div'); rendered[pmc] = obj obj.setAttribute("id", "tab_" + pmc) obj.style = "padding: 10px; text-align: left !important;" obj.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true") title = document.createElement('h2') title.innerHTML = json.pdata[pmc].name or pmc obj.appendChild(title) health = document.createElement('p'); if (json.health[pmc] && !isNaN(json.health[pmc]['cscore'])) health.style.marginTop = "10px" health.innerHTML = "Committee Health score: " + (6.33 + (json.health[pmc]['score'] * -1.00 * (20 / 12.25))).toFixed(2) + " (" + hvalues[json.health[pmc]['cscore']] + ") (This is an automatically generated score, it is NOT authoritative in any way!)" obj.appendChild(health) container.appendChild(obj) # Report date reportdate = buildPanel(pmc, "Report date") if (json.pdata[pmc].chair) reportdate.innerHTML += "Committee Chair: " + json.pdata[pmc].chair + "
" fetch("reportingcycles.json?" + thisHour, [pmc, reportdate, json.pdata[pmc].name], setReportDate) # LDAP committee + Committer changes mo = new Date().getMonth() - 3; after = new Date(); after.setMonth(mo); # This also works if mo is negative PMCchanges(json, pmc, after); changes = buildPanel(pmc, "PMC changes (From LDAP)"); c = 0; # total number of committer + pmc changes since establishment cu = 0; # total number of committer (user) changes for x,y of json.changes[pmc].committer cu++; c++; for x,y of json.changes[pmc].pmc c++; nc = 0; # newest committer date np = 0; # newest pmc date ncn = null; # newest committer name npn = null; # newest pmc name addLine(pmc, "## Committer base changes:") addLine(pmc) addLine(pmc, " - Currently " + json.count[pmc][1] + " committers.") if (cu == 0) # no new committers if (isNewPMC(json,pmc,after)) addLine(pmc, " - No changes (the PMC was established in the last 3 months)") else addLine(pmc, " - No new changes to the committer base since last report.") addLine(pmc) if (c == 0) # no changes at all if (isNewPMC(json,pmc,after)) changes.innerHTML += "No changes - the PMC was established in the last 3 months." else changes.innerHTML += "No new changes to the PMC or committer base detected - (LDAP error or no changes for >2 years)" else changes.innerHTML += "
Changes within the last 3 months:
" # pre-flight check npmc = 0; # recent committee group additions for k, entry of json.changes[pmc].pmc if (entry[1] > after.getTime() / 1000) npmc++; for k, entry of json.changes[pmc].pmc if (entry[1] > np) # latest pmc member date np = entry[1] npn = entry[0]; # latest pmc member name if (entry[1] > after.getTime() / 1000) changes.innerHTML += "→ " + entry[0] + " was added to the PMC on " + new Date(entry[1] * 1000).toDateString() + "
" if (npmc == 0) # PMC older than 3 months itself if (isNewPMC(json,pmc,after)) changes.innerHTML += "→ No new PMC members in the 3 months since the PMC was established
"; else changes.innerHTML += "→ No new PMC members in the last 3 months.
"; if (npn) changes.innerHTML += "→ " + "Last PMC addition: " + new Date(np * 1000).toDateString() + " (" + npn + ")
" # pre-flight check ncom = 0; # number of new committers for k, entry of json.changes[pmc].committer if (entry[1] > after.getTime() / 1000) # entry[1] is the first seen timestamp ncom++; if (ncom > 1) addLine(pmc, " - New commmitters:") for k, entry of json.changes[pmc].committer if (entry[1] > nc) # find the most recent entry nc = entry[1] # the timestamp ncn = entry[0];# full name if (entry[1] > after.getTime() / 1000) changes.innerHTML += "→ " + entry[0] + " was added as a committer on " + new Date(entry[1] * 1000).toDateString() + "
" addLine(pmc, (if ncom > 1 then " " else "") + " - " + entry[0] + " was added as a committer on " + new Date(entry[1] * 1000).toDateString()) if (ncom == 0) changes.innerHTML += "→ No new committers in the last 3 months.
"; addLine(pmc, " - No new committers added in the last 3 months") if (ncn) if (nc < after.getTime() / 1000) addLine(pmc, " - Last committer addition was " + ncn + " at " + new Date(nc * 1000).toDateString()) changes.innerHTML += "→ " + "Last committer addition: " + new Date(nc * 1000).toDateString() + " (" + ncn + ")
" else addLine(pmc, " - Last committer addition was more than 2 years ago") changes.innerHTML += "→ " + "Last committer addition: more than two years ago (not in the archive!)
" changes.innerHTML += "→ " + "Currently " + json.count[pmc][1] + " committers and " + json.count[pmc][0] + " PMC members." addLine(pmc) # Release data releases = buildPanel(pmc, "Releases") addLine(pmc, "## Releases:") addLine(pmc) nr = 0; lr = null; lrn = 0; tr = 0 for version, date of json.releases[pmc] tr++; if (date > lrn) lrn = date lr = version if (date >= after.getTime() / 1000) err = "" if (new Date(date * 1000) > new Date()) err = " (This seems wrong?!)" releases.innerHTML += "→ " + "" + version + " was released on " + new Date(date * 1000).toDateString() + err + "
" addLine(pmc, " - " + version + " was released on " + new Date(date * 1000).toDateString() + err) nr++; if (nr == 0) if (lr) releases.innerHTML += "→ " + "Last release was " + lr + ", released on " + new Date(lrn * 1000).toDateString() + "
" addLine(pmc, " - Last release was " + lr + " on " + new Date(lrn * 1000).toDateString()) if (lr.match("incubat") && !isNewPMC(json,pmc,after)) releases.innerHTML += "
No release since graduation

" addLine(pmc, " - No release since graduation??? [FIX!]") else releases.innerHTML += "No release data could be found.
" addLine(pmc, " - No release data could be found [FIX!]") releases.innerHTML += "(A total of " + (tr - nr) + " older release(s) were found for " + pmc + " in our db)
" releases.innerHTML += "
Add a release" releases.innerHTML += " - Fetch releases from JIRA" releases.innerHTML += " - Manage release versions
" if (tr > 0) div = renderReleaseChart(json.releases[pmc], pmc, releases); releases.appendChild(div) addLine(pmc) mlbox = buildPanel(pmc, "Mailing lists"); ul = document.createElement('ul') ul.style.textAlign = "left;" mlbox.appendChild(ul) prev = "" f = 0 addLine(pmc, "## Mailing list activity:") addLine(pmc) addLine(pmc, " - TODO Please explain what the following statistics mean for the project." + " If there is nothing significant in the figures, omit this section.") addLine(pmc) first = ['users', 'dev', 'commits', 'private', 'bugs', 'modules-dev']; for i,x of first ml = pmc + ".apache.org-" + first[i] if (ml != prev && ml.search("infra") < 0 && json.mail[pmc] && json.mail[pmc][ml]) f++; prev = ml d = ml.split(".org-"); mlname = d[1] + "@" + d[0] + ".org" lookup = d[0].split(/\./)[0] + "-" + d[1] x = renderChart(json.mail[pmc], ml, obj, if (json.delivery[pmc] && json.delivery[pmc][lookup]) then json.delivery[pmc][lookup].weekly else {}) total = x[0] diff = x[1] div = x[2] add = "" if (json.delivery[pmc] && json.delivery[pmc][lookup]) add = ":\n - " + json.delivery[pmc][lookup].quarterly[0] + " emails sent to list (" + json.delivery[pmc][lookup].quarterly[1] + " in previous quarter)"; text = "Currently: " + total + " subscribers (up " + diff + " in the last 3 months)" if (diff < 0) text = "Currently: " + total + " subscribers (down " + diff + " in the last 3 months)" if (d[1] != "private" && d[1] != "security" && d[1] != "commits") addLine(pmc, " - " + mlname + ": ") addLine(pmc, " - " + total + " subscribers (down " + diff + " in the last 3 months)" + add) addLine(pmc) else if (d[1] != "private" && d[1] != "security" && d[1] != "commits") addLine(pmc, " - " + mlname + ": ") addLine(pmc, " - " + total + " subscribers (up " + diff + " in the last 3 months)" + add) addLine(pmc) if (json.delivery[pmc] && json.delivery[pmc][lookup]) text += " (" + json.delivery[pmc][lookup].quarterly[0] + " emails sent in the past 3 months, " + json.delivery[pmc][lookup].quarterly[1] + " in the previous cycle)" p = document.createElement('li'); p.innerHTML = "
" + mlname + ":
" + text p.appendChild(div) ul.appendChild(p) for ml of json.mail[pmc] skip = false for i in first xml = pmc + ".apache.org-" + first[i] if (ml.search(xml) == 0) skip = true if (!skip) f++; if (ml != prev && ml.search("infra") < 0) prev = ml d = ml.split(".org-"); mlname = d[1] + "@" + d[0] + ".org" lookup = d[0].split(/\./)[0] + "-" + d[1] x = renderChart(json.mail[pmc], ml, obj, if (json.delivery[pmc] && json.delivery[pmc][lookup]) then json.delivery[pmc][lookup].weekly else {}) total = x[0] diff = x[1] div = x[2] add = "" if (json.delivery[pmc] && json.delivery[pmc][lookup]) add = ":\n - " + json.delivery[pmc][lookup].quarterly[0] + " emails sent to list (" + json.delivery[pmc][lookup].quarterly[1] + " in previous quarter)"; text = "Currently: " + total + " subscribers (up " + diff + " in the last 3 months)" if (diff < 0) text = "Currently: " + total + " subscribers (down " + diff + " in the last 3 months)" if (d[1] != "private" && d[1] != "security" && d[1] != "commits") addLine(pmc, " - " + mlname + ": ") addLine(pmc, " - " + total + " subscribers (down " + diff + " in the last 3 months)" + add) addLine(pmc) else if (d[1] != "private" && d[1] != "security" && d[1] != "commits") addLine(pmc, " - " + mlname + ": ") addLine(pmc, " - " + total + " subscribers (up " + diff + " in the last 3 months)" + add) addLine(pmc) if (json.delivery[pmc] && json.delivery[pmc][lookup]) text += " (" + json.delivery[pmc][lookup].quarterly[0] + " emails sent in the past 3 months, " + json.delivery[pmc][lookup].quarterly[1] + " in the previous cycle)" p = document.createElement('li'); p.innerHTML = "
" + mlname + ":
" + text p.appendChild(div) ul.appendChild(p) addLine(pmc) if json.bugzilla[pmc][0] or json.bugzilla[pmc][1] > 0 renderBZ(pmc) if json.jira[pmc][0] > 0 or json.jira[pmc][1] > 0 renderJIRA(pmc) # Reporting example template = buildPanel(pmc, "Report template"); template.innerHTML += "
" + templates[pmc] + "
" # Fetch from JIRA dialog dialog = document.createElement('div'); dialog.setAttribute("id", "dialog_" + pmc); dialog.setAttribute("title", "Fetch data from JIRA for " + pmc) dialog.setAttribute("style", "display: none;") if (jsdata.keys[pmc] && jsdata.keys[pmc].length > 0) dialog.innerHTML = "

Suggested JIRA Keys: " + jsdata.keys[pmc].join(", ") + "

" else dialog.innerHTML = "

No JIRA keys found - are you sure this project uses JIRA?

" dialog.innerHTML += "
JIRA Project:
Optional prepend:
"+ "
"+ "

If you have multiple JIRA projects and they only have the version number in their release versions, please enter the component name in the 'prepend' field.

" document.getElementById('tab_' + pmc).appendChild(dialog) # Manually add release dialog rdialog = document.createElement('div'); rdialog.setAttribute("id", "rdialog_" + pmc); rdialog.setAttribute("title", "Add a release for " + pmc) rdialog.setAttribute("style", "display: none;") rdialog.innerHTML = "
"+ "Date:
"+ "
" container.appendChild(rdialog) renderJIRA = (pmc) -> obj = buildPanel(pmc, "JIRA Statistics") addLine(pmc, "## JIRA activity:") addLine(pmc) addLine(pmc, " - " + jsdata.jira[pmc][0] + " JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months"); addLine(pmc, " - " + jsdata.jira[pmc][1] + " JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months"); addLine(pmc) obj.innerHTML += jsdata.jira[pmc][0] + " JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
"; obj.innerHTML += jsdata.jira[pmc][1] + " JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
"; if (jsdata.keys[pmc]) obj.innerHTML += "Keys used: " + jsdata.keys[pmc].join(", ") + "
" obj.innerHTML += "Keys with tickets: " + jsdata.jira[pmc][2].join(", ") + "" renderBZ = (pmc) -> obj = buildPanel(pmc, "Bugzilla Statistics") addLine(pmc, "## Bugzilla Statistics:") addLine(pmc) addLine(pmc, " - " + jsdata.bugzilla[pmc][0] + " Bugzilla tickets created in the last 3 months"); addLine(pmc, " - " + jsdata.bugzilla[pmc][1] + " Bugzilla tickets resolved in the last 3 months"); addLine(pmc) obj.innerHTML += jsdata.bugzilla[pmc][0] + " Bugzilla tickets created in the last 3 months
"; obj.innerHTML += jsdata.bugzilla[pmc][1] + " Bugzilla tickets resolved in the last 3 months
"; obj.innerHTML += "Tickets were found for the following products:
" + Object.keys(jsdata.bugzilla[pmc][2]).sort().join(", ") + "" renderChart = (json, name, container, delivery) -> chartDiv = document.createElement('div') chartDiv.setAttribute("id", name + "_chart") dates = [] noweekly = 0; for date, count of json[name] dates.push(date) for date, count of delivery noweekly++; d = name.split(".org-"); mlname = d[1] + "@" + d[0] + ".org" dates.sort(); cu = 0; narr = [] hitFirst = false dp = new Date(); dp.setMonth(dp.getMonth() - 3); odp = new Date(); odp.setMonth(odp.getMonth() - 6); difference = 0 for date in dates dateString = new Date(parseInt(date) * 1000); if (dateString > dp) difference += json[name][date] cu = cu + json[name][date]; if (cu > 0) hitFirst = true if ((cu > 0 || hitFirst) && dateString >= odp) if (noweekly > 0) narr.push([dateString, cu, delivery[date] or 0]) else narr.push([dateString, cu]) data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); data.addColumn('date', 'Date'); data.addColumn('number', "List members"); if (noweekly > 0) data.addColumn('number', "Emails sent per week"); data.addRows(narr); options = { title: 'Mailing list stats for ' + mlname, backgroundColor: 'transparent', width: 900, height: 260, legend: { position: 'none', maxLines: 3 }, vAxis: { format: "#" }, vAxes: if (noweekly > 0) then [ { title: 'Emails per week', titleTextStyle: { color: '#DD0000' }, min: 0 }, { title: 'Subscribers', titleTextStyle: { color: '#0000DD' }, min: 0, minValue: 0 }, ] else [{ title: 'Subscribers', titleTextStyle: { color: '#0000DD' } }, ], series: { 0: { type: "line", pointSize: 4, lineWidth: 2, targetAxisIndex: if (noweekly > 0) then 1 else null }, 1: { type: "bars", targetAxisIndex: if (noweekly > 0) then 0 else [0, 1] } }, seriesType: "bars", tooltip: { isHtml: true }, }; chart = new google.visualization.ComboChart(chartDiv); chart.draw(data, options); return [cu, difference, chartDiv]; renderReleaseChart = (releases, name, container) -> chartDiv = null if (document.getElementById(name + "_releasechart")) chartDiv = document.getElementById(name + "_releasechart") else chartDiv = document.createElement('div') chartDiv.setAttribute("id", name + "_releasechart") narr = [] maxLen = 1; for version, date of releases x = version.match(/(\d+)\.(\d+)/) if (x && x[2].length > maxLen) maxLen = x[2].length; for version, date of releases if (new Date(releases[version] * 1000).getFullYear() >= 1999) major = parseFloat(version) or 1 x = version.match(/(\d+)\.(\d+)/) if (x) while (x[2].length < maxLen) x[2] = "0" + x[2] major = parseFloat(x[1] + "." + x[2]) narr.push([new Date(releases[version] * 1000), major, version + " - " + new Date(releases[version] * 1000).toDateString()]) data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); data.addColumn('datetime', 'Date'); data.addColumn('number', 'Version') data.addColumn('string', 'tooltip'); data.setColumnProperty(2, 'role', 'tooltip'); data.addRows(narr); options = { title: 'Release timeline for ' + name, height: 240, width: 800, backgroundColor: 'transparent', series: [{ pointSize: 15 }, ], pointShape: { type: 'star', sides: 5 } }; chart = new google.visualization.ScatterChart(chartDiv); chartDiv.style.marginLeft = "50px"; chart.draw(data, options); return chartDiv fetchJIRA = (pmc, project, prepend) -> if (project && project.length > 1) fetch("jiraversions.py?project=" + pmc + "&jiraname=" + project + "&prepend=" + prepend, null, (json) -> if json && json.versions for version in json.versions jsdata.releases[pmc][version] = json.versions[version] $('#dialog_' + pmc).dialog("close") nproject = pmc alert("Fetched " + json.added + " releases from JIRA!") renderFrontPage(jsdata) else if (json && json.status) alert(json.status) else if (json) alert(JSON.stringify(json)) else alert("Couldn't find any release data :(") ) addRelease = (pmc, version, date) -> if (version && version.length > 1 && date.match(/^(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)$/)) x = date.split("-"); y = new Date(x[0], parseInt(x[1]) - 1, parseInt(x[2])); nn = parseInt(y.getTime() / 1000); now = (new Date().getTime()) / 1000; if (nn >= now) alert("Date is in the future!") return fetch("addrelease.py?json=true&committee=" + pmc + "&version=" + escape(version) + "&date=" + nn, null, (json) -> if (json && json.versions) n = 0; for version in json.versions n++; jsdata.releases[pmc][version] = json.versions[version] $('#rdialog_' + pmc).dialog("close") nproject = pmc alert("Release added!") renderFrontPage(jsdata) else if (json && json.status) alert(json.status) else if (json) alert(JSON.stringify(json)) else alert("Couldn't add release data :(") )