Feathercast started out as a project of Rich Bowen and David Reid to answer the question "What the heck does that strangely-named project actually do", and the larger issue that the vast majority of the tech world thinks that "Apache" == "httpd". We aim to do short (10-20 minute) podcasts that clearly answer the first question while educating the world as to the second. Feathercast is hosted on ASF hardware, but is not "official" in the sense that the PRC has a vote in what gets said. But we do tend to be generally pro-ASF. Website: http://feathercast.apache.org/ Feed: http://feathercast.apache.org/feed/podcast/ iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/feathercast/id160174577 Twitter: @feathercast Merch: http://www.cafepress.com/feathercast/