Cocoon-Related Projects

These projects provide tools that can be useful alongside Cocoon, or assist in the creation of sites using Cocoon.


EditXML provides a servlet based

solution for managing sets of XML files for XML based publishing systems like Cocoon.

Pollo XML Editor, with Cocoon Sitemap Support

Pollo XML Editor lets you edit XML files. It's best suited for files which can be represented in a tree structure. It comes with built-in support for Cocoon sitemap files, Ant build files and XML Schemas. The editor has a colourful tree widget (not the default Swing one!), drag-and-drop support, unlimited undo, model-view design (open multiple views on the same file), ...

DBPrism XML Framework for Oracle

DBPrism is a servlet engine that works in two different modes: as a standalone servlet, or plugged into the Cocoon publishing framework. In the first mode, DBPrism works like the PLSQL Cartridge of Oracle Web Server. Plugged into the Cocoon framework, DBPrism works as a DB Producer, generating dynamic XML from a database.

JEuclid - MathML Transformer for Cocoon

JEuclid is a component for the Apache Cocoon project which converts MathML documents to GIF images or SVG.

ExFormula - XForms for Cocoon

ExFormula is an implementation of the XForms specification. It allows you to define XML Models and Instances associated with it, to process dynamic forms based on an end markup.

POI - OLE2 File System (DOC, XLS, ...)

The POI project consists of APIs for manipulating various file formats based upon Microsoft's OLE 2 Compound Document format using pure Java.There will soon be generators and serializers for Cocoon to read/write MS Office file formats.

X:Forge XML Framework

X:Forge is an XML Language whose main focus is in dynamic XML generation. X:Forge tags are supposed to be included in XML documents for further processing. The tool was designed as a replacement for XSP, an Apache technology originally used for dynamic generation of XML content in the Cocoon Project and slowly evolving into an Internet standard.

How to get listed

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