- Javascript Resource: Test explicit setting of mime-type.
- Javascript Resource: Test automatic setting of mime-type.
SAX Pipelines
- SAX Pipeline: Simplest possible pipeline that has a generator, transformer and serializer.
- SAX Pipeline: Same as before but creates XHTML as output format.
- SAX Pipeline: Same as before but creates XML as output format.
- SAX Pipeline: Same as before but creates TXT as output format
- SAX Pipeline: Same as before but creates XML as output format after validating the input.
- Status code: Set status code '401' at pipeline.
StAX Pipelines
- StAX Pipeline: Simplest possible pipeline that has a generator and serializer but processing is based on StAX instead of SAX!
- Non-Caching pipeline: The pipeline doesn't cache (although it's components support it)
- Caching pipeline: The result of the pipeline is cached for 1.5 seconds. The next request that occurs after the cached response has expires, triggers a reexecution of the pipeline in the same thread.
- Async-Caching pipeline: The result of the pipeline is cached for 1.5 seconds. The next request that occurs after the cached response has expires, triggers a reexecution of the pipeline in a separate thread.
- Expires-Caching pipeline: The pipeline returns a cached result for defined period, independently from whether components used in the pipeline support caching or not. The pipeline result is cached for 2 seconds. The recreation of the pipeline result is done in the same thread as the servlet request.
- Expires-Async-Caching pipeline: The pipeline returns a cached result for defined period, independently from whether components used in the pipeline support caching or not. The pipeline result is cached for 2 seconds. The recreation of the pipeline result is done in a separate thread than the servlet request.
Error handling
- ResourceNotFound: The error handler catches all exceptions, in this case no matcher matches.
- Custom error - Sitemap: Catch a custom error in the sitemap.
- Custom error - Pipeline: Catch a custom error using a per-pipeline error handler.
Servlet-Service-Components and servlet: protocol
- servlet:/: Using a local servlet service.
- ResourceNotFound/: Try to access directly an internal-only pipeline.
- servlet:/: Using a local servlet service provided by an internal-only pipeline.
- Servlet service transformer: Call another pipeline that performs a transformation.
- Servlet service serializer: Call another pipeline that performs the serialization step.
Expression language
- request attribute (jexl): Accessing a request attribute using Jexl.
- sitemap parameter: Accessing a sitemap parameter.
- sitemap parameter: Accessing a sitemap parameter using named parameters in the pattern.
- nested matchers: Accessing a parameter from one level above.
- Temporary (302): Temporary redirect to
- servlet: Redirect to a servlet: URL.
Object Model
- All request parameters: Print all request parameters.
- Get locale from browser's preferred: Translate with locale from browser's preferred.
- Get locale from request parameter: de|es|it: Translate with locale from request parameter.
Advanced Matching
(using a JEXL expression to set a test value)
- Equals matcher (using an JEXL expression to set a test value)
- Regular expression matcher (using an JEXL expression to set a test value)
- Ends-with matcher (using an JEXL expression to set a test value)
- Otherwise Reach the otherwise section
- Uncomplete pipeline: when Adding a transformer
- Uncomplete pipeline: otherwise Adding a transformer
- Two matchers: Two matchers that add components to a pipeline.
- Include-Transformer: Aggregate XML using the IncludeTransformer.
- XInclude-Transformer: Aggregate XML using the XIncludeTransformer, working according to the XInclude specification.
Link rewriting
- RegexpLinkRewriter-Transformer: Rewrite links according to given regular expressions.
- XSLT Transformation: An XSLT transformation that includes stylesheets via file and servlet protocol.
Sitemap REST Controller
- GET request: Invoke a controller and pass two parameters
- Conditional GET request : A controller that implements the interface and provides a cache key.
JAX-RS REST Controller
- JAX-RS REST endpoint: A JAX-RS resources as a controller that returns a Cocoon resources.
- PDF: Create a PDF document by using Apache FOP.
Encoding Serializers
Cocoon-Wicket integration
- Wicket Reader: A reader defers redirects a request to a Wicket application.
- StringTemplateGenerator: A generator using StringTemplate template engine.
- StringTemplateTransformer: A transformer using StringTemplate template engine.
Apache Tika metadata generator
See Supported Document Formats page.
- ODT Metadata: extract metadata from hello.odt.
- PDF Metadata: extract metadata from hello.pdf.
- JPEG Metadata: extract metadata from cocoon-logo.jpg.