org.apache.cocoon.environment.Cookie COOKIE LOGIC SHEET TEST1
Trying to generate a cookie with name=testname, value=testvalue, maxage=10 years
String testname = "testname"; String testvalue = "testvalue"; testname1 testvalue1 10*365*24*60*60 testname testvalue 10*365*24*60*60
Cookie Generated


Cookies as XML


Single cookie as XML (using "name" attribute)


Single cookie as XML (using "index" attribute)


Name of cookie by using index
String name = ; name

Comment of cookie by using name
String commentbyname = ; commentbyname

Comment of cookie by using index
String commentbyindex = ; commentbyindex

Domain of cookie by using name
String domainbyname = ; domainbyname

Domain of cookie by using index
String domainbyindex = ; domainbyindex

MaxAge of cookie by using name
String maxagebyname = ; maxagebyname

MaxAge of cookie by using index
String maxagebyindex = ; maxagebyindex

Path of cookie by using name
String pathbyname = ; pathbyname

Path of cookie by using index
String pathbyindex = ; pathbyindex

Secure of cookie by using name
String securebyname = ; securebyname

Secure of cookie by using index
String securebyindex = ; securebyindex

Value of cookie by using name
String valuebyname = ; valuebyname

Value of cookie by using index
String valuebyindex = ; valuebyindex

Version of cookie by using name
String versionbyname = ; versionbyname

Value of cookie by using index
String versionbyindex = ; versionbyindex
Cookie cookie = ;