project-name Application ====================== The structure of this web application is detailed below: +---[lib] Build time JAR libs directory | +---[src] Java source files directory | +---[webapp] Web application root directory | | | +---[admin] Admin role pages directory | | | +---[assets] Web static assets directory | | | +---[META-INF] Tomcat context.xml directory | | | +---[user] User role pages directory | | | +---[WEB-INF] Protected Web Inf directory | | | +---[classes] Compile classes output directory | | | +---click.xml Click configuration file | | | +---menu.xml Menu configuration file | | | +---web.xml Web configuration file | +---build.xml Ant build script file | +---README.txt Read Me description file To build the application WAR file using the Ant command: ant build