Welcome to Click ================ Apache Click™ is a modern JEE web application framework, providing a natural rich client style programming model. Apache Click is designed to be very easy to learn and use, with developers getting up and running within a day. Documentation ============= Comprehensive HTML documentation is available online at: [http://click.apache.org/](http://click.apache.org/) Source Repository Structure =========================== [click](click) - Apache Click main source repository with everything that's also included in the official distribution. [examples](examples) - Some other example web applications made with Apache Click, (but not part of the official distribution), that might be interesing for the new users. [sandbox](sandbox) - Developer's sandbox with experiments and shared sources [site](site) - The generated public site that it's being deployed on http://click.apache.org [tools](tools) - Tools for Apache Click: IDE plug-ins, developemnt ANT tasks, docs generator, etc.)