Welcome to Click ================ Click is a J2EE web application framework featuring a Page and Component oriented design. Click is an open source project licensed using the Apache license. Comprehensive HTML documentation is available online at: http://click.sourceforge.net This documentation is also available in the directory: documentation Distributed Click JAR files include: dist/click-xx.jar - Click runtime JAR including dependencies dist/click-nodeps-xx.jar - Click runtime JAR with no dependencies dist/click-extras-xx.jar - Click Extras JAR Example pre-built web appliation include: dist/click-examples.war Click is built using the J2SE 1.4.2 and Ant 1.6.5. The Ant build.xml and build.properties files are located in the build directory. The main Ant targets include: build-all build framework, extras, examples build-distribution build distribution ZIP file build-examples build click-examples WAR file build-extras build click-extras JAR file build-framework build click framework JAR file build-maven-bundles build Maven repository upload bundles build-sources build source ZIP files for use with IDEs deploy-examples copy example WAR files to app server get-deps download JAR dependencies get-deps-proxy download JAR dependencies via proxy help display the Help message javadoc create Javadoc HTML files project-quick-start build application template