
This section discusses how to setup configure a Click web application and covers to following topics:


The Click configuration files include:
Click application configuration files
  • WEB-INF/click.xml   -   Application Configuration (required)
  • WEB-INF/   -   Velocity Properties (optional)
  • WEB-INF/web.xml   -   Servlet Configuration (required)

Servlet Configuration

For a Click web application to function the ClickServlet must be configured in the web application's /WEB-INF/web.xml file. A simple web application which maps all *.htm requests to a ClickServlet is provided below.
By default the ClickServlet will attempt to load an application configuration file using the path:   /WEB-INF/click.xml

Servlet Mapping

By convention all Click page templates should have a .htm extension, and the ClickServlet should be mapped to process all *.htm URL requests. With this convention you have all the static HTML pages use a .html extension and they will not be processed as Click pages.

Load On Startup

Note you should always set load-on-startup element to be 0 so the servlet is initialized when the server is started. This will prevent any delay for the first client which uses the application.

The ClickServlet performs as much work as possible at startup to improve performance later on. The Click start up and caching strategy is configured with the Click application mode element in the "click.xml" config file.

Application Configuration

The heart of a Click application is the click.xml configuration file. This file specifies the application pages, headers, the format object and the applications mode.

See Click DTD for the click-app XML definition.

A simple Click app config file is provided below:

    <page path="index.htm" classname=""/>
    <page path="login.htm" classname=""/>
    <page path="logout.htm" classname=""/>    
    <page path="search.htm" classname=""/>
    <page path="results.htm" classname=""/>

An example of a fully optioned up config file is:

    <page path="index.htm" classname=""/>
    <page path="login.htm" classname=""/>
    <page path="logout.htm" classname=""/>    
    <page path="search.htm" classname=""/>
    <page path="results.htm" classname=""/>
    <header name="Pragma" value="no-cache"/>
    <header name="Cache-Control" value="no-cache"/>
  <format classname="com.mycorp.util.Format"/>
  <mode value="debug"/>
Alternatively pages can be automatically configured using page auto mapping:
  <pages package="" automapping="true">
    <page path="index.htm" classname="Home"/>


The first major element of the click-app is the mandatory pages element which defines the list of Click pages.
<!ELEMENT pages (page*)> 
   <!ATTLIST pages package CDATA #IMPLIED>
   <!ATTLIST pages automapping (true|false) "false"> 
The pages element can specify a default package name which is prepended to the classname of any pages defined.

The pages element also defines the automapping attribute which is discussed in the Page Automapping topic.


The page element defines the Click application pages.
<!ELEMENT page (header*)>
   <!ATTLIST page classname CDATA #REQUIRED> 
Each page path must be unique, as the Click application maps HTTP requests to the page paths.

The Click application will create a new Page instance for the given request using the configured page classname. All pages must subclass Page and provide a public no arguments constructor, so they can be instantiated.

Pages can also define header values which are discussed in the next topic.

When the Click application starts up it will check all the page definitions. If there is a critical configuration error the ClickSerlvet will log an ERROR message and throw a UnavailableException. If this occurs the click application will be permanently unavailable until the error is fixed and the web app is restarted.

Page Automapping

The pages automapping option will automatically configure application pages using a simple set of rules. This enables you to greatly streamline your configuration file as you only need to define pages which don't fit the automapping rules.

Automapping will attempt to associate each page template (*.htm) file in the web application (excluding those under the WEB-INF and click directories) to a Page class. Automapped pages are loaded after the manually defined pages are loaded, and manually defined pages taking preference. When automapping is enabled the Click application will log the page mappings when in debug or trace mode.

For example given a page path to class mapping:

index.htm                     =>
search.htm                    =>
contacts/contacts.htm         =>
security/login.htm            =>
security/logout.htm           =>
security/change-password.htm  =>
This would be defined configured mannually using the package prefix as:
  <pages package="">
    <page path="index.htm"                    classname="Home"/>
    <page path="search.htm"                   classname="Search"/>
    <page path="contacts/contacts.htm"        classname="contacts.Contacts"/>
    <page path="security/login.htm"           classname="security.Login"/>
    <page path="security/logout.htm"          classname="security.Logout"/>    
    <page path="security/change-password.htm" classname="security.ChangePassword"/>    
Using automapping you only need to define the Home page which doesn't automatically map to index.html.
  <pages package="" automapping="true">
    <page path="index.htm" classname="Home"/>
The page template name to classname convention is:
change-password.htm  =>  ChangePassword
change_password.htm  =>  ChangePassword
changePassword.htm   =>  ChangePassword
ChangePassword.htm   =>  ChangePassword


The optional headers element defines a list of header elements which is applied to all pages.
<!ELEMENT headers (header*)> 
The header element defines header name and value pairs which are applied to the HttpServletResponse.
<!ELEMENT header (#PCDATA)>
   <!ATTLIST header name CDATA #REQUIRED>
   <!ATTLIST header value CDATA #REQUIRED>
   <!ATTLIST header type (String|Integer|Date) "String">
Page headers are set after the Page has been constructed and before onInit() is called. Pages can then modify their headers property using the setHeader() method.

Browser Caching

Headers are typically used to switch off browser caching. You can do this individually in pages or for all application pages by setting header values. For example to switch off caching in the login page, note the value for a Date type should be a long number value:
<page path="login.htm" classname=""/>
  <header name="Pragma" value="no-cache"/>
  <header name="Cache-Control" value="no-cache"/>
  <header name="Expires" value="1" type="Date"/>
To apply header values globally define header values in the headers element. For example:
    <header name="Pragma" value="no-cache"/>
    <header name="Cache-Control" value="no-cache"/>
    <header name="Expires" value="1" type="Date"/>


The optional format element defines the Format object classname which is applied to all pages.
<!ELEMENT format (#PCDATA)>
    <ATTLIST format classname CDATA #FIXED ""> 
By default all Click pages are configured with a object. The format object made available in the Velocity page templates using the name $format.

To specify a custom format class configure a format element in the click-app descriptor. For example:

  <format classname="com.mycorp.util.CustomFormat"/>


The optional mode element defines the application logging and caching mode.
    <ATTLIST mode value (production|profile|development|debug|trace) "development">
    <ATTLIST mode logto (console|servlet) "console">
By default Click applications run in development mode, which switches off page template caching, and the logging level is set to INFO. Also by default log messages are sent to the console [System.out].

To change the default application mode configure a mode element in the click-app descriptor. For example to specify production mode you would add the following mode element:

  <mode value="production">
The Click Application modes and their settings for Page auto loading, Velocity caching, template loading on startup and logging levels are:

Application mode Page auto loading Velocity caching Load templates on startup Click logging level Velocity logging level
production No Yes Yes WARN ERROR
profile No Yes Yes INFO ERROR
development Yes No No INFO ERROR
debug Yes No No DEBUG ERROR
trace Yes No No TRACE WARN

Page Auto Loading

When Page Auto Loading is enabled any new page templates and classes will be automatically loaded at runtime. These pages are loaded using the Page Automapping rules.

Page auto loading is a very handy feature for rapid development as you do not have to restart you application server to pick up new pages.

Velocity Caching

When Velocity Caching is enabled Velocity page templates and macros files are loaded once and cached. With caching enabled following Velocity runtime properties are set:
When Velocity Caching is disabled Velocity templates and macros file are reloaded when ever they change. With caching disabled the following Velocity runtime properties are set:
Template reloading is useful for application development as you can edit page templates on a running application server and see the changes immediately. Note however, this should not be used for production as Velocity can use a lot of memory when introspecting templates and template reloading is significantly slower.

Click and Velocity Logging

The Click and Velocity runtimes use ClickLogger for logging messages.

By default the runtime loggers will send messages to the console [System.out]. To configure the loggers to send their logging messages to the ServletContext.log set the mode logto attribute. For example:

<mode value="production" logto="servlet">
Any unhandled Throwable errors are logged by the ClickServlet.

When an application is not in production mode the error page displays detailed debugging information. When the application mode is production no debug information is displayed to prevent sensitive information being displayed. This behaviour can be changed by modifying the error.htm page template.

Velocity Properties

The Velocity runtime engine is configured through a series of properties when the ClickServlet starts up. The default Velocity properties set are:
webapp.resource.loader.cache=[true|false]   depending on application mode
webapp.resource.loader.modificationCheckInterval=0 depending on application mode

velocimacro.library.autoreload=[true|false] depending on application mode
See the Velocity Developer Guide for details about these properties. Note in trace mode the ClickServlet will log the Velocity properties used when in starts up.

If you want to add some of your own Velocity properties, or replace Click's properties, add a file in the WEB-INF directory. Click will automatically pick up this file and load these properties.

As a example say we have our own Velocity macro library called mycorp.vm we can override the default velocimacro.library property by adding a WEB-INF/ file to our web application. In this file we would then define the property as:

Note do not place Velocity macros under the WEB-INF directory as the Velocity ResourceManager will not be able to load them.

The simplest way to set your own macro file is to add a file named macro.vm under your web application's root directory. At startup Click will first check to see if this file exists, and if it does use it instead of click/VM_global_library.vm.

Auto Deployed Files

At startup the ClickServlet will automatically deploy support files into the web application, if not already present. You can modify these support files and Click will not overwrite them. These files include: