CODE * review table.css * Select can have multiple values and this need to be resolved with multpart request * improve exception handling for method not found, walk up stack and find class * JSP exception handling, on tomcat find work directory * RichTextArea using TinyMCE, possibly in Click Extras * include in the project structure the sources of the libaries that are compiled into the click-xxx.jar: be able to make a complete ZIP (required by IDEs) * include the ziped sources of the other libraries used by Click (required by IDEs) BUGS DOCUMENTATION * FAQ topic back button - possibly add example * update Velocity documentation * provide more Menu Javadoc, need prettier example * provide more Column Javadoc * discuss redirecting to HTTPS * add UTF-8 localization comments * update Control in diagrams, update Control classes diagram * how to use Click with the most common IDEs VELOCITY * submit patch to throw RuntimeExceptions