"Any bundle may provide some user documentation. This documentation is provided by a file named \"documentation.nt\" in the META-INF directory of the bundle-jar. This file can provide multiple documentation resources described using the discobits ontology. The resources have UriRefs starting with \"bundle:///\", this will be replaced with http://<hostname>/bundle-doc/<Bundle-SymbolicName> by the documentation aggregator which provides the graph urn:x-localinstance:/documentation.graph containing the documentation of all installed bundles. To reference a documentation entry from another bundle the bundle-uri can contain a Borundle-SymbolicName after the second slash, e.g. bundle://org.apache.clerezza.platform.content/intro."^^ . . "By convention any bundle documentation provides a resource named bundle:///intro introducing the functionality of the bundle."^^ . . "The recommended way to create and edit the documentation of a bundle is as follows:
  • Launch clerezza (in the following we assume its running on localhost:8080)
  • Install and start the stable n-triples serialization provider (to make the stored files more suitable for version control) by entering on the commmand line: start(\"mvn:org.apache.clerezza/rdf.stable.serializer\")
  • \n
  • Install and start the file storage provider(to access local rdf files as named graphs) by entering on the commmand line: start(\"mvn:org.apache.clerezza/rdf.file.storage\")
  • If it doesn't exist yet create an empty file src/main/resources/META-INF/documentation.nt in the project to be documented and
  • Open http://localhost:8080/tools/editor/, enter the file-uri of the previously created file as Graph and a bundle-uri (such as bundle:///intro) as resource
  • edit, save, ship your bundle
"^^ . . _:dca98a68e3413be1e9bb3f4e56f5cc561 . . "Writing Documentation"^^ . . _:005cab2e8f532d75dbe6021467d5f7191 . _:3682407f1c90d02dcf9dbf4e83d964f51 . . _:0c33aa960ad81e72549c579dd55074231 . _:16fd3882eda078006a6b02abb28816da1 . _:da78c47eff7d6e6f75a17d01572cb4d81 . . "Platform Documentation Aggregator"^^ . . . _:2d0db51a9a2a40d89460edf6544edbad1 . _:566a75916142ac411441d067f09a49f71 . . _:005cab2e8f532d75dbe6021467d5f7191 . _:005cab2e8f532d75dbe6021467d5f7191 "1" . _:005cab2e8f532d75dbe6021467d5f7191 . _:0c33aa960ad81e72549c579dd55074231 . _:0c33aa960ad81e72549c579dd55074231 "2" . _:0c33aa960ad81e72549c579dd55074231 . _:16fd3882eda078006a6b02abb28816da1 . _:16fd3882eda078006a6b02abb28816da1 "0" . _:16fd3882eda078006a6b02abb28816da1 . _:2d0db51a9a2a40d89460edf6544edbad1 . _:2d0db51a9a2a40d89460edf6544edbad1 "0" . _:2d0db51a9a2a40d89460edf6544edbad1 . _:3682407f1c90d02dcf9dbf4e83d964f51 . _:3682407f1c90d02dcf9dbf4e83d964f51 "0" . _:3682407f1c90d02dcf9dbf4e83d964f51 . _:566a75916142ac411441d067f09a49f71 . _:566a75916142ac411441d067f09a49f71 "1" . _:566a75916142ac411441d067f09a49f71 . _:da78c47eff7d6e6f75a17d01572cb4d81 . _:da78c47eff7d6e6f75a17d01572cb4d81 "1" . _:da78c47eff7d6e6f75a17d01572cb4d81 . _:dca98a68e3413be1e9bb3f4e56f5cc561 . _:dca98a68e3413be1e9bb3f4e56f5cc561 "0" . _:dca98a68e3413be1e9bb3f4e56f5cc561 .