#MP3 properties file string Artist artist Artist single, readwrite, optional string Album album title single, readwrite, optional string Title title Title single, readwrite, optional string Comment comment Comment single, readwrite, optional string Genre genre Genre single, readwrite, optional integer Length length Length in seconds single, readwrite, optional integer Track track Track in album single, readwrite, optional string Year year release date of albun single, readwrite, optional string Composer composer Composer single, readwrite, optional string Disc Number discNo number of disc / total discs single, readwrite, optional string Audio Format audioFormat Audio Format / compression scheme single, readwrite, optional integer Sample Rate sampleRate Sample Rate single, readwrite, optional string enum: Mono=Mono;Stereo=Stereo;5.1=5.1;7.1=7.1 Audio Channel Type audioChannelType audio channel type single, readwrite, optional integer Number Channels noChannels number of audio channels single, readwrite, optional string Compressor Version compressorVersion version description of compressor single, readwrite, optional