# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. Changes for 1.0.0.incubating ** Bug * [CELIX-28] - celix_strerror in celix_errno.h does not give error correct error strings for errno.h errors * [CELIX-43] - Update bundle creation and deployment * [CELIX-45] - remote_services/discovery does not compile * [CELIX-46] - Add .DS_Store to .gitignore * [CELIX-47] - FindSLP.cmake and FindJansson.cmake include dir location typo * [CELIX-50] - driverAttributes_getDriverId does not return DriverId * [CELIX-58] - BUNDLE_STATE doesn't have an UNKNOWN state * [CELIX-59] - Remote service examples generate segmentation fault on start. * [CELIX-73] - CUint include directory used directly then header included via can't be found in Xcode * [CELIX-74] - The serviceTrackerCustomizer header uses, but does not include, the serviceReference header. * [CELIX-75] - CMake does not install the Deployment Admin bundle * [CELIX-76] - Deployment Admin multiline manifest * [CELIX-78] - CMake does not install the Device Manager bundle * [CELIX-79] - DeviceManager DriverTracker and DeviceTracker callbacks wrong * [CELIX-82] - segfault when stopping remote services (server) * [CELIX-83] - memory pool bad access issue when starting with cache * [CELIX-84] - Update shell commands to provide better feedback * [CELIX-85] - During shutdown celix sometimes segfaults * [CELIX-86] - missing include * [CELIX-88] - Missing export of endpoint_listener.h * [CELIX-92] - Moving manifest from bundle to bundle_revision * [CELIX-93] - Manifest with multiple files * [CELIX-95] - not initialized variable leads to segFault * [CELIX-96] - missing include * [CELIX-97] - Inspect command only prints objectClass * [CELIX-98] - Callback method for RSA proxies * [CELIX-99] - Extract common RSA headers * [CELIX-100] - Add release guide to website * [CELIX-103] - log_service segfault on bundle stop/destroy * [CELIX-105] - Fixed array_list_test ** Improvement * [CELIX-27] - Add create function for the SERVICE_TRACKER_CUSTIMIZER struct * [CELIX-42] - Support Visual Studio * [CELIX-52] - Typedef MANIFEST shall be changed to lower case * [CELIX-53] - Typedef ACTIVATOR shall be lower case * [CELIX-54] - Use one convention for linefeeds * [CELIX-60] - Support framework embedding * [CELIX-62] - rename suffix of pointer type from _t to _pt * [CELIX-64] - Add support for ccputest * [CELIX-66] - Refactor shell service struct * [CELIX-71] - FindAPR does not look in default APR directories * [CELIX-72] - 'Header Files' sub folder not included in all folders in generated Xcode project * [CELIX-87] - Improve framework logging * [CELIX-89] - Align Remote Services with Amdatu Remote Services * [CELIX-91] - exporting serviceRegistration_setProperties(..) * [CELIX-94] - extend properties support for escaping equals sign * [CELIX-101] - Prefixing public constants * [CELIX-102] - Improve cache options * [CELIX-106] - Add configurable framework logger * [CELIX-107] - Add Apache Rat as make target ** New Feature * [CELIX-25] - Allow NULL value for the SERVICE_TRACKER_CUSTOMIZER struct * [CELIX-80] - Netstring support * [CELIX-81] - Remote Services - Shared Memory Support ** Task * [CELIX-40] - Refactor bundle macro to generate Manifest file * [CELIX-67] - Check for dependency manager usage * [CELIX-68] - Check for memory leaks * [CELIX-108] - Prepare 1.0.0 release ** Wish * [CELIX-51] - Improve maintainability code