Title: Release Guide 2.0 Note that this page is of use for committers only. It describes the general procedure of building a Cayenne release. *THIS ONLY REFERS TO 2.0.x RELEASE BRANCH* ## Prerequisites Refer to the Prerequisites section of the [main release guide](release-guide.html) ## Preparing Sources * Export and commit the latest documentation per [Documentation Guidelines](legacy-ant-documentation-export.html) . * Create a report in Jira listing all issues that are FIXED but not CLOSED, paste its contents to RELEASE-NOTES.txt. Bulk-close all involved issues. _Note that issues that affect multiple releases are usually closed immediately when they are fixed, and the note is placed in RELEASE-NOTES.txt immediately when this happens._ * Edit UPGRADE-NOTES.txt if there is anything to add there. * Check Sources Compliance with ARAT. [ARAT](http://code.google.com/p/arat/) (A Release Audit Tool) is a Java tool written by Robert Burrell Donkin for checking the release files for ASF licensing compliance. To run ARAT, [check it out of SVN|http://arat.googlecode.com/svn/tags/RAT_0_4/] _(we are using version 0.4)_, build with Ant, and run against unpacked distro (or the release tag), read the report and fix any issues. h2. Building Release Artifacts * Tag {{cayenne}} directory under the repository trunk (assuming {{release_version}} is a version tag identifying the release, such as {{"1.2B3"}}): svn copy https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/cayenne/main/trunk/cayenne \ https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/cayenne/main/tags/release_version/cayenne -m "tagging B3 release" * Switch an existing working copy on a build machine to the release tag: If you don't have a local copy, do "checkout" instead of "switch". _Do not forget to switch the local copy back to the appropriate branch in case you are using it to make the code changes._ * Note that all Ant commands now must contain *"project.version"* property corresponding to the release version. The property is passed on the command line as *"-Dproject.version=2.0.x"*. See examples below. * Run a test to make sure the checkout is ok: Test with all supported databases listed [here|CAYDOC:Database Support] , or at least as many as possible. See [Legacy Ant Unit Tests] for more details on how to test each of the various database servers with legacy versions of Cayenne. * Build a release for the target platform: * Build Release Maven Bundles for ibiblio upload: * Signing release For more info visit [this page|http://www.apache.org/dev/release-signing.html] . Release manager key must be in the project KEYS file. Signing is a manual procedure not included in the Ant or Maven script. Here is how it might work ("-u" option can be omitted if you have only one GPG key): ## Voting Refer to the Voting section of the [main release guide](release-guide.html) ## Publishing the Release Copy KEYS file if updated to "/www/www.apache.org/dist/cayenne/" _(TODO: automate publishing the keys - maybe create a "dist" site project?)_ chmod 664 /www/www.apache.org/dist/cayenne/*{noformat} ### Publishing Maven Artifacts _(TODO: automate rsync with Ant)_ Assuming release version is 2.0.2, on a *local machine* do ant clean mvn-install -Dproject.version=2.0.2 rsync -azv ~/.m2/repository/org/apache/cayenne/cayenne-nodeps/2.0.2 \ people.apache.org:/www/people.apache.org/repo/m2-ibiblio-rsync-repository/org/apache/cayenne/cayenne-nodeps/ rsync -azv ~/.m2/repository/org/apache/cayenne/cayenne/2.0.2 \ people.apache.org:/www/people.apache.org/repo/m2-ibiblio-rsync-repository/org/apache/cayenne/cayenne/ rsync -azv ~/.m2/repository/org/apache/cayenne/cayenne-client-nodeps/2.0.2 \ people.apache.org:/www/people.apache.org/repo/m2-ibiblio-rsync-repository/org/apache/cayenne/cayenne-client-nodeps/ rsync -azv ~/.m2/repository/org/apache/cayenne/cayenne-modeler/2.0.2 \ people.apache.org:/www/people.apache.org/repo/m2-ibiblio-rsync-repository/org/apache/cayenne/cayenne-modeler/ ## After the release * Update the [DOAP file](http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/cayenne/site/trunk/tlp-site/src/doap/cayenne.rdf) (held in the Cayenne svn) which will update http://projects.apache.org/projects/cayenne.html automatically * Update Freshmeat with new release number (http://freshmeat.net/projects/cayenne/) * If the release is significant, consider press releases to relevant news sources * Review the main website pages (front page and why-cayenne especially) to add any new features * Add a news item to the Cayenne web site * Send an email to the Cayenne user and developer lists