Title: Mailing Lists ## Mailing Lists ### User Mailing List This is a general discussion and support list for Cayenne users. It is the primary source of free Cayenne support. It is also a place for general discussion of Cayenne-related topics. To subscribe send empty email to user-subscribe@cayenne.apache.org To unsubscribe send empty email to user-unsubscribe@cayenne.apache.org To post a message use the following address: user@cayenne.apache.org * [Apache Message Archive](https://lists.apache.org/list.html?user@cayenne.apache.org) * [Apache Message Archive - Old Style](http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/cayenne-user/) * [ObjectStyle.org Archive](http://objectstyle.org/cayenne/lists/cayenne-user/) (legacy, does not store new messages, but has very old messages not available elsewhere) ### Developer Mailing List 'dev' is a mailing list where Cayenne design issues are discussed. This includes current and future features, release schedules, and simply developer discussion of various Cayenne-related topics. It is a good idea for all Cayenne committers to subscribe to this list. Others are welcomed to subscribe and participate if they are interested in the topics discussed here. To subscribe send empty email to dev-subscribe@cayenne.apache.org To unsubscribe send empty email to dev-unsubscribe@cayenne.apache.org To post a message use the following address: dev@cayenne.apache.org * [Apache Message Archive](https://lists.apache.org/list.html?dev@cayenne.apache.org) * [Apache Message Archive - Old Style](http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/cayenne-dev/) * [ObjectStyle.org Archive](http://objectstyle.org/cayenne/lists/cayenne-devel/) (legacy, does not store new messages, but has very old messages not available elsewhere) ### Commits Mailing List 'commits' is a mailing list that receives all of the Cayenne SVN commit messages. You can subscribe to this list to keep track of changes to the Cayenne SVN repository. To subscribe send empty email to commits-subscribe@cayenne.apache.org To unsubscribe send empty email to commits-unsubscribe@cayenne.apache.org * [Apache Message Archive](https://lists.apache.org/list.html?commits@cayenne.apache.org) * [Apache Message Archive - Old Style](http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/cayenne-commits/)