Title: Prefetching
Prefetching is a performance optimization technique that allows to bring back more than one type of objects in a single query. Prefetches are configured in terms of relationship paths from the query root entity to the "prefetched" entity. E.g.:
// configure query with prefetches SelectQuery query = new SelectQuery(Artist.class); query.addPrefetch("paintingArray"); ... // execute query and do something with results List artists = context.performQuery(query); Iterator it = artists.iterator(); while(it.hasNext()) { Artist a = (Artist) it.next(); System.out.println("paintings: " + a.getPaintingArray().size()); }
When prefetching is set, corresponding relationships are "inflated" with database objects within a single performQuery run, leaving it up to Cayenne to optimize retrieval of multiple entities. For instance the example above results in just two SQL queries issued to the database internally, while running the same query without a prefetch and later iterating over artists will result in 1 + N queries, where N is the number of artists returned.
query.addPrefetch("paintingArray"); query.addPrefetch("paintingArray.toGallery");
SelectQuery query = new SelectQuery(Artist.class); Expression exp = ExpressionFactory.matchExp("paintingArray.paintingTitle", "Some Painting"); // INVALID!! since there can be more than one painting per artist, this prefetch // wouldn't work. query.addPrefetch("paintingArray");
In the future versions of Cayenne this will be addressed by using SQL subqueries. For now it is programmer's responsibility to avoid such prefetches.
The rest of this page describes advanced use and can be skipped.
(semantics flavors were introduced in 1.2M3, with some changes in 1.2M8)
Queries store prefetching information as trees of PrefetchTreeNode objects:
PrefetchTreeNode treeRoot = query.getPrefetchTree(); if(treeRoot != null) { // do something with tree nodes }
Each node specifies the name of prefetch path segment and execution semantics. There are two flavors of prefetch semantics - joint and disjoint. Semantics of each node is initially determined by Cayenne when a new prefetch path is added, and can be later customized by the user (e.g., see joint example below).
In most cases prefetch semantics is of no concern to the users. Cayenne will do its best to configure the right semantics on the fly. Don't tweak semantics unless you understand the implications and have some proof that different semantics would result in better select performance on your database. |
Some internal semantics rules:
(available since 1.0)
"Disjoint" prefetches (aka "normal prefetches", as this is how Cayenne implemented prefetching since 1.0) internally result in a separate SQL statement per prefetch path.
SelectQuery query = new SelectQuery(Artist.class); // "disjoint" is default semantics of SelectQuery query.addPrefetch("paintingArray"); query.addPrefetch("paintingArray.toGallery"); // this will result in 1 main SQL query plus 2 extra prefetch queries context.performQuery(query);
(available since 1.2M3, with significant API changes in 1.2M8)
"Joint" is prefetch type that issues a single SQL statement for multiple prefetch paths. Cayenne processes in memory a cartesian product of the entities involved, converting it to an object tree. SQLTemplate and ProcedureQuery create joint prefetches by default. SelectQuery needs to be told to use joint prefetch:
// after adding a new prefetch, change its semantics to joint query.addPrefetch("paintingArray").setSemantics( PrefetchTreeNode.JOINT_PREFETCH_SEMANTICS); context.performQuery(query);
Code above will result in a single SQL statement issued.