Title: Introduction
Cayenne is a mature, powerful, full-featured open source Object/Relational Mapping (ORM) framework. Cayenne is written in Java and is intended for Java developers working with relational databases. Cayenne has been successfully deployed in production environments on high volume sites.
Cayenne allows to reduce the development time in any database project by creating an object-oriented abstraction of the database schema. Development teams using Cayenne will be able to concentrate on the core business requirements and the data model instead of the SQL details.
Cayenne features include management of persistent Java objects mapped to relational databases, single method call queries and updates (including atomic updates of all modified objects), seamless integration of multiple databases into a single virtual data source, remote object persistence, etc. Cayenne is distributed with CayenneModeler - a complete GUI mapping tool that supports reverse-engineering of RDBMS schema, editing database mappings and generation of Java source code for the persistent objects.
Cayenne comes with a comprehensive set of HTML documentation and full source code, including source code for the GUI tools. Free support is provided via user mailing lists. Commerical support and consulting services are also available.