Title: DBCPDataSourceFactory

As an alternative to a simple and easy-to-use DataSource bundled with Cayenne, it is possible to configure a more feature-rich DataSource based on Apache Jakarta commons-dbcp. To enable commons-dbcp pool, select DBCPDataSourceFactory in the Modeler for a DataNode:

Configuration is done in a properties file that has to be edited in a text editor outside CayenneModeler. The name of this file is specified in the Modeler (with path relative to cayenne.xml location):

Here is an example of such properties file contents:


Supported Properties

Below is a full list of supported properties, that fall into three categories - DataSource properties, connection pool properties and prepared statement pool properties. Only DataSource properties are required.

DataSource Properties

Property Description
cayenne.dbcp.driverClassName JDBC driver class
cayenne.dbcp.url Database JDBC URL
cayenne.dbcp.username Database login user name
cayenne.dbcp.password Database login password

Connection Pool Properties

Property Description
cayenne.dbcp.maxActive Maximum number of active connections in the pool
cayenne.dbcp.minIdle Minimum number of idle connections to keep in the pool
cayenne.dbcp.maxIdle Maximum number of idle connections to keep in the pool
cayenne.dbcp.maxWait A maximum time in milliseconds a caller should wait for a connection to be returned from the pool. -1 for indefinite.
cayenne.dbcp.validationQuery A SQL query used to validate a connection, before returning it to the user. Must return at least one row. E.g. "select 1 from dual"
cayenne.dbcp.testOnBorrow A boolean specifying whether connection should be validated before being returned from the pool to the caller.
cayenne.dbcp.testOnReturn A boolean specifying whether connection should be validated before being returned back to the pool.
cayenne.dbcp.testWhileIdle A boolean specifying whether connection should be validated while it is idle.
cayenne.dbcp.timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis A number of milliseconds an eviction thread should sleep between the runs.
cayenne.dbcp.numTestsPerEvictionRun A number of objects that an idle objects evictor should inspect on each run
cayenne.dbcp.minEvictableIdleTimeMillis Minimum time an object should sit in the pool, before it can be considered for eviction.
cayenne.dbcp.whenExhaustedAction Specifies a pool behavior when the pool is exhausted and more connections are requested. Possible values are strings that follow the constant names defined in org.apache.commons.pool.impl.GenericObjectPool}: {{WHEN_EXHAUSTED_BLOCK, WHEN_EXHAUSTED_GROW, WHEN_EXHAUSTED_FAIL. If ommitted, WHEN_EXHAUSTED_BLOCK is assumed.
caynne.dbcp.defaultAutoCommit Auto-commit policy for connections returned from the pool
cayenne.dbcp.defaultReadOnly Read-only policy for connections returned from the pool
cayenne.dbcp.defaultTransactionIsolation Specifies transaction isolation for connections returned from the pool. Possible values are strings that follow the constant names defined in the java.sql.Connection interface: TRANSACTION_NONE, TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED, TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED, TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ, TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE
cayenne.dbcp.accessToUnderlyingConnectionAllowed If set to true the application will be able to get access to the actual connection object which is normally wrapped by a poolable connections
cayenne.dbcp.defaultCatalog Default catalog of connections created by the pool

PreparedStatement Pool Properties

Property Description
cayenne.dbcp.poolPreparedStatements Specifies whether PreparedStatements should be pooled
cayenne.dbcp.ps.maxActive Specifies the maximum number of PreparedStatements that can be borrowed from the pool at one time
cayenne.dbcp.ps.maxIdle Maximum number of idle PreparedStatements in the pool
cayenne.dbcp.ps.maxTotal Maximum number of PreparedStatements that can exist in the pool at one time
cayenne.dbcp.ps.maxWait A maximum time in milliseconds a caller should wait for a PreparedStatement to be returned from the pool. -1 for indefinite.
cayenne.dbcp.ps.minEvictableIdleTimeMillis Number of milliseconds a PreparedStatement can sit idle in the pool before it is elegible for eviction
cayenne.dbcp.ps.numTestsPerEvictionRun Number of idle PreparedStatements that should be examined per eviction run
cayenne.dbcp.ps.testOnBorrow Specifies whether a PreparedStatement should be validated before being borrowed from this pool
cayenne.dbcp.ps.testOnReturn Specifies whether a PreparedStatement should be validated before being returne to this pool
cayenne.dbcp.ps.testWhileIdle Specifies whether PreparedStatements should be validated in the idle eviction thread
cayenne.dbcp.ps.timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis Specifies the time between the runs of the eviction thread
cayenne.dbcp.ps.whenExhaustedAction Specifies a pool behavior when the pool is exhausted and more PreparedStatements are requested. Possible values are strings that follow the constant names defined in org.apache.commons.pool.impl.GenericObjectPool}: {{WHEN_EXHAUSTED_BLOCK, WHEN_EXHAUSTED_GROW, WHEN_EXHAUSTED_FAIL. If ommitted, WHEN_EXHAUSTED_BLOCK is assumed.