Title: DataObjects Example

As discussed in DataContext chapter, any changes made to the DataObjects via "set*" methods are synchronized with the database by calling DataContext.commitChanges. Here is an example showing how the Painting object is fetched, modified and saved back. The following modifications are performed: the price of the first retrieved painting is doubled, a new painting is added that belongs to the same artist as the painting fetched before:

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.cayenne.access.DataContext;
import org.apache.cayenne.query.SelectQuery;
import org.apache.cayenne.exp.Expression;
import org.apache.cayenne.exp.ExpressionFactory;
import org.apache.art.Painting;
import org.apache.art.Artist;

// assume this exists and initialized
DataContext ctxt;
Expression e =
                        new BigDecimal(100000.0));
SelectQuery q = new SelectQuery(Painting.class, e);
List realExpensiveArt = ctxt.performQuery(q);

if(realExpensiveArt.size() > 0) {
  Painting firstPainting = (Painting)realExpensiveArt.get(0);

  // double the price
  double oldPrice = firstPainting.getEstimatedPrice().doubleValue();
  firstPainting.setEstimatedPrice(new BigDecimal(oldPrice * 2.00));

  // create new painting and register it with DataContext
  // "Painting" string is a name of ObjEntity in the DataMap
  Painting newPainting = (Painting)ctxt.newObject(Painting.class);
  newPainting.setPaintingTitle("Sunset as it is");

  // price it as unreasonable as other paintings
  newPainting.setEstimatedPrice(new BigDecimal(5000000.0));

  // get artist via relationship
  Artist artist = firstPainting.getToArtist();

  // assign new painting to an artist

  // save all the changes we've made so far

If SQL tracing is turned on, and depending on the preexisting data in the database, the following SQL statements might be printed to console during the commit phase:

[main 12-22 15:50:19] QueryLogger: --- will run 2 queries.
 ARTIST_ID) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [params: 200, 'Sunset as it is', 5000000, 10]
[main 12-22 15:50:19] QueryLogger: === updated 1 row.
[main 12-22 15:50:19] QueryLogger: UPDATE PAINTING SET ESTIMATED_PRICE = ? WHERE PAINTING_ID = ? 
 [params: 2000000, 34]
[main 12-22 15:50:19] QueryLogger: === updated 1 row.
[main 12-22 15:50:19] QueryLogger: +++ transaction committed.