Title: Running CayenneModeler
Follow the instructions below appropriate for the type of OS and Cayenne distribution that you have:
CayenneModeler.app comes as a part of the Mac distribution and is located at the root of the disk image.
Windows distribution of Cayenne contains CayenneModeler.exe file in the bin directory. To start the Modeler doubleclick this file. Note that you still need a JDK version 1.4 or newer installed to be able to run the Modeler.
CayenneModeler is a regular Java application that can be run on JDK 1.4 or newer. It can be started in two different ways:
1. By running cayenne-modeler.jar:
cd [cayenne_distro_dir]/lib/modeler java -jar cayenne-modeler.jar
2. Or by executing a startup script.
To use one of the scripts, first set the following environment variables:
And then run the scripts: