Title: Cayenne 3.1 - it's alive! ## Cayenne 3.1 - it's alive! _December 2, 2010_ Cayenne 3 isn't resting on its laurels. It is still growing and developing, and today we are pleased to announce the first milestone of version 3.1. This is not a beta and 3.1 is not yet feature-complete, but it gives users an insight into the direction Cayenne is heading in and an opportunity to give us feedback. The key features added to 3.1 so far are: * Built-in Dependency Injection container, statics-free and singleton-free runtime. * Simplified single-domain projects. * CayenneModeler preferences that don't get corrupted and don't vanish. * Property-based DataSource configuration (killing JNDI hack). We encourage users to experiment with upgrading their projects to 3.1, but also warn of a few known issues that we are working to address, more specifically: [CAY-1519](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CAY-1519), [CAY-1515](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CAY-1515), [CAY-1516](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CAY-1516). Download Apache Cayenne 3.1M1 from [here](/download.html)