Upgrade Information ============================================ 0. General Upgrade Advise: - Upgrading Project XML Files: Opening a 1.0 projects in CayenneModeler would display an upgrade dialog. Select "Yes" button to perform the upgrade. Note that upgrading a project to 1.1 will make it unusable with earlier versions of Cayenne. - Upgrading between 1.1 milestones will not display an upgrade dialog, however on save mapping may slightly change, as the format evolved up till Beta. - Clean Recompile: Cayenne 1.1 introduces a few API changes. Most of them are done to the backend and should not affect the applications written with the earlier versions. However it is a good idea to perform a clean compilation of all Java code that relies on Cayenne. Updating calls to deprecated methods is also a very good idea. 1. DTD Changes: Cayenne 1.1B1 introduces the following changes in XML DTD format compared to M7_1: - cayenne-data-map-1_1.dtd introduces "property" subelement of "data-map". Saving any DataMap defaults will create "property" element, making *.map.xml incompatible with earlier releases. 2. Due to a bug fix CAY-149 it is recommended that Windows CayenneModeler users open the file %HOME%\.cayenne\modeler.preferences in a text editor and delete all lines that start with "Editor.lastSeveralProjectFiles=" and "Editor.lastProject=". %HOME% is usually a location like "C:\Documents and Settings\[username]". 3. General Warning: Classes SnapshotManager, ToManyListDataSource, RelationshipDataSource, FlattenedRelationshipDeleteQuery, FlattenedRelationshipInsertQuery and a few others were removed from Cayenne, since maintaining them in a deprecated state wasn't possible. For the latest upgrade instructions see the Use Guide included in Cayenne download: [cayenne_install_dir]/doc/userguide/install/upgrade.html For the list of new features in 1.1 see another Use Guide chapter: [cayenne_install_dir]/doc/userguide/introduction/whats-new.html