Apache Cayenne Release Notes ================================== For the latest information visit project web site: http://cayenne.apache.org/ To browse individual bug reports check out project issue tracker: http://issues.apache.org/cayenne/ ---------------------------------- Release: 2.0.5 Date: ---------------------------------- Changes: CAY-263 cdbgen (DbGeneratorTask) must support classpath and classpathref Bug fixes: CAY-672 Change the logic to get the Java class from ResultSetMetadata CAY-941 NPE in SimpleNode.connectChildren() CAY-1052 Invalid cast on NUMERICs with scale of 0 using Postgres JDBC 8.2+ CAY-1259 Wrong Mapping for NUMERIC Type CAY-1279 Passing null values in query parameters CAY-1306 Binding Collection in Parameters for SQLTemplate is not working CAY-1323 oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP in Result of query (only part of solution to fix explicit type mapping) CAY-1354 Wrong Types mapping for selected values in Row Queries CAY-1388 Can't bind java.util.Date value in SQL Template CAY-1487 Access to ObjectStore.objectMap not thread safe when creating new object instance (and processing snaphot events) ---------------------------------- Release: 2.0.4 Date: 10/12/2007 ---------------------------------- CAY-698 "Null ObjectId" exception from DataContext.localObject() CAY-770 bug / memory leak in DispatchQueue and EventManager CAY-796 Deserialization of DataContext fails when useSharedCache is false CAY-818 Frontbase NUMERIC type mapping typo CAY-832 enum-mapped columns improperly handled in in expressions CAY-836 Object property unexpectedly set to null through forceMergeWithSnapshot CAY-872 Potential bug deleting uncommited objects from a nested DataContext ---------------------------------- Release: 2.0.3 Date: 5/16/2007 ---------------------------------- Bug Fixes: CAY-597 XML Encoder with Mapping outputs incorrect XML CAY-741 Indexing entities with inheritance across datamaps CAY-743 Reordering mappings from domain in xml resulting in StackOverflowException CAY-750 Stored procedures without parameters fail on Postgres 8 CAY-751 AS400 datafields containing # in field names do not get mapped correctly CAY-752 Importing EOModel gives Cast Exception CAY-754 Local jNDI hack breaks when running with Jetty6-Maven CAY-763 XML Deserialization fails on relationships when using a mapping file CAY-764 Exception when importing an EOModel with single table inheritance CAY-765 Programmatically overriding "use share cache" fails CAY-774 cayenne-modeler pom.xml has incorrect dependancy CAY-775 AutoAdapter fails to detect Sybase when running with jTDS driver CAY-778 Cayenne jar manifest lists project.version as "cayenne" CAY-781 Bug in CayenneDataObject.readNestedProperty CAY-783 jgroups config file not removed from cayenne.xml CAY-784 Deleting an object with a read-only flattened relationship fails CAY-786 Race condition in DataContext.localObject() ---------------------------------- Release: 2.0.2 Date: 1/22/2007 ---------------------------------- Bug Fixes: CAY-565 LRUMap NPE CAY-652 Exception with Tomcat's session restore capability CAY-653 overriding setPersistentState() in unreliable in three tier environment with CayenneContext CAY-690 Exception in the Modeler when changing schema on derived entities CAY-712 Allow modifying objects in validate* methods CAY-724 - applying 3.0 fix to 1.2 branch CAY-726 SQLTemplate parsing bug when macros appear at the end of line ---------------------------------- Release: 2.0.1-incubating Date: 10/7/2006 ---------------------------------- Bug Fixes: CAY-601 Problem resolving relationships in nested DataContext CAY-603 QueryChain.isFetchingDataRows() incorrectly returns "false" - must be "true" all the time CAY-607 Long query name or qualifier expand query text field off screen CAY-608 Prefetch validation incorrectly reports error on multi-step prefetches CAY-639 JDBC datatype of MySQL INT UNSIGNED is mapped as java.lang.Integer should be java.lang.Long CAY-617 ROP: shared session functionality over XMPP is broken CAY-614 ToManyList contains references to transient objects CAY-609 Modeler prevents intermediate prefetch creation Changes: CAY-623 Removing broken FireBird adapter