Cayenne/Struts PetStore ======================= (distributed under Apache license, version 2.0) DESCRIPTION "cayenne-petstore" is a classic Petstore Java application implemented with Cayenne and Struts. By default application uses embedded Apache Derby database. It was ported from iBatis JPetstore-5.0 application by replacing iBatis with Cayenne. In its current reincarnation the application works but is not very polished. We demonstrated that porting to Cayenne is easy, even given the unfriendly DB design, however if we were to design the petstore from scratch, we would've done it differently in some aspects. DEPLOYING Just drop "dist/cayenne-petstore.war" in your favorite web container. Note that by default Derby (db engine used by cayenne-petstore) will attempt to create a database in the JVM "" (whatever that is from the web container perspective; Tomcat puts the database in $CATALINA_HOME/temp/). If you want a different location, unpack the war file and edit "WEB-INF/classes/" setting "derby.system.home" to an absolute path. If you want a different database alltogether, open "WEB-INF/cayenne.xml" file in CayenneModeler and do the needed changes (of course you can do them by hand as well). INSPECTING SOURCE CODE Petstore is a valid Eclispe project, just import it in Eclipse and do anything you want with it.