/*This file contains an example Keyspace that can be created using the cassandra-cli command line interface as follows. bin/cassandra-cli -host localhost --file conf/Keyspace1.txt The cassandra-cli includes online help that explains the statements below. You can accessed the help without connecting to a running cassandra instance by starting the client and typing "help;" */ create keyspace Keyspace1 with replication_factor = 1 and placement_strategy = 'org.apache.cassandra.locator.SimpleStrategy'; use Keyspace1; create column family Standard1 with comparator = BytesType and keys_cached = 10000 and rows_cached = 1000 and row_cache_save_period = 0 and key_cache_save_period = 3600 and memtable_flush_after = 59 and memtable_throughput = 255 and memtable_operations = 0.29; create column family Standard2 with comparator = UTF8Type and read_repair_chance = 0.1 and keys_cached = 100 and gc_grace = 0 and min_compaction_threshold = 5 and max_compaction_threshold = 31; create column family StandardByUUID1 with comparator = TimeUUIDType; create column family Super1 with column_type = Super and comparator = BytesType and subcomparator = BytesType; create column family Super2 with column_type = Super and subcomparator = UTF8Type and rows_cached = 10000 and keys_cached = 50 and comment = 'A column family with supercolumns, whose column and subcolumn names are UTF8 strings'; create column family Super3 with column_type = Super and comparator = LongType and comment = 'A column family with supercolumns, whose column names are Longs (8 bytes)'; create column family Indexed1 with default_validation_class = LongType and column_metadata = [{ column_name : birthdate, validation_class : LongType, index_name : birthdate_idx, index_type : 0} ];