========= Description ----------- is a tool for benchmarking and load testing a Cassandra cluster. Prequisites ----------- Any of the following will work: * python2.4 w/multiprocessing * python2.5 w/multiprocessing * python2.6 (multiprocessing is in the stdlib) You can opt not to use multiprocessing and threads will be used instead, but python's GIL will be the limiting factor, not Cassandra, so the results will not be accurate. A warning to this effect will be issued each time you run the program. Additionally, you will need to generate the thrift bindings for python: run 'ant gen-thrift-py' in the top-level Cassandra directory. expects to use the default ColumnFamily definitions in storage-conf.xml Usage ----- There are three different modes of operation: * inserting (loading test data) * reading * range slicing (only works with the OrderPreservingPartioner) Important options: -o or --operation Sets the operation mode, one of 'insert', 'read', or 'rangeslice' -n or --num-keys: the number of rows to insert/read/slice -d or --nodes: the node(s) to perform the test against. For multiple nodes, supply a comma-separated list without spaces, ex: cassandra1,cassandra2,cassandra3 -y or --family-type: Sets the ColumnFamily type. One of 'regular', or 'super'. If using super, you probably want to set the -u option also. -c or --columns: the number of columns per row, defaults to 5 -u or --supercolumns: use the number of supercolumns specified NOTE: you must set the -y option appropriately, or this option has no effect. -g or --get-range-slice-count: This is only used for the rangeslice operation and will *NOT* work with the RandomPartioner. You must set the OrderPreservingPartioner in your storage-conf.xml (note that you will need to wipe all existing data when switching partioners.) This option sets the number of rows to slice at a time and defaults to 1000. -r or --random: Only used for reads. By default, will perform reads on rows with a guassian distribution, which will cause some repeats. Setting this option makes the reads completely random instead. -i or --progress-interval: The interval, in seconds, at which progress will be output. Remember that you must perform inserts before performing reads or range slices.